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LOSD Publication Deirdre Lee

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Presentation on theme: "LOSD Publication Deirdre Lee"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOSD Publication Deirdre Lee
Provision of a service to Publish and Link Statistical Data on the Semantic Web 27th Feb 2018 Deirdre Lee @deirdrelee @derilinx

2 About Us

3 Linked Open Statistical Data

4 Ireland #1 for Open Data in Europe


6 Partners & Clients

7 The Insight Centre for Data Analytics is one of Europe’s largest data analytics research organisations, with 400+ researchers, more than 80 industry partners and over €100 million of funding. Insight is made up of four main centres: Galway, and as well as a number of affiliated bodies. Each of Insight's main centres has a long track record of data analytics research. In July 2013 they came together under Science Foundation Ireland as Insight. The organisation’s key areas of priority research include:

8 Projects & Partners Industry Organizations Projects

9 Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Digital Content Technology
29 academics and 250 researchers over 4 universities dedicated Design & Innovation team Expertise ranges over entire digital content spectrum Core research funded by SFI Collaborative research funded through industry Additional collaborative research funding through European schemes (e.g. H2020, Marie-Curie etc.)

10 Sample Projects & Clients

11 CSO-LOSD Projects Two Projects:
Each project has its own Scopes of Work: LOSD Publication: Provision of a service to Publish and Link Statistical Data on the Semantic Web LOSD Training: Provision of services, tools and training materials for publishing, using and visualising Linked Open Data Executed by the same consortium, at the same period and with the same team Sharing the same vision, pilots, stakeholders, etc.

12 LOSD Publication Provision of a service to Publish and Link Statistical Data on the Semantic Web

13 LOSD Publication Methodology
Vision and business case definition Use-case definition Inventory of Key resources LOSD Publication pipeline definition LOSD Service Architecture Design Pilot Design Requirements Validation Recommendation and Implementation of the LOSD Service Validation, documentation, and harmonization

14 LOSD Publication Methodology
LOSD Service specification & scoping Vision and business case definition Project scoping Key performance criteria Use-case definition

15 LOSD Publication Methodology
Define LOSD Publication Pipeline LOSD Service design phase Inventory of Key resources LOSD Publication Pipeline definition

16 LOSD Publication Methodology
Describe LOSD Service Architecture Centralised LOSD Publication service, for the storage, discovery, analysis and visualisation of Linked Open Statistical Data standards, including metadata, codelists, vocabularies, formats, etc. machine-to-machine access mechanisms, including APIs and SPARQL endpoints a URI strategy governance, including data quality tools maturity measurement, etc.

17 LOSD Publication Methodology
Recommend implementa tion best practice Recommendations for the implementation of the LOSD Service Adopt and build on existing LOD and Semantic Web standards, tools and best practice

18 LOSD Publication Methodology
Validate LOSD Service through use-cases Validate the LOSD Service through the specific pilot use-cases. Documentation and harmonization

19 LOSD Publication Project Phases
Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization Pilot Implementation of the LOSD Service Scoping & Architecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Planned Started/Finished Phase 1: LOSD Service Specification and Scoping and LOSD Service Architecture Design Phase 2: Implementation Recommendations of the LOSD Service Phase 3: Support, Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization

20 LOSD Publication Project Gantt
Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization Pilot Implementation of the LOSD Service Scoping & Architecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

21 WP1: LOSD Service Specification & Scoping
Objective WP1 aims to contextualise the project with its vision, business case and usage scenarios. WP1 also reviews the existing technologies and how they are applied for the management of LOSD. Tasks T1.1 Vision & business case definition Derilinx T1.2 Use-case definition T1.3 Inventory of key resources Insight Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D1.1 M2 Report Vision and Business Case Definition Derilinx D1.2 M3 Use-case definition D1.3 Inventory of key resources Insight

22 WP2: LOSD Service Design
Objective WP2 creates the architectural foundations for the design and implementation of the LOSD Service and proposes recommended best practice for NSOs in ESS. Tasks T2.1 LOSD Publication Pipeline Derilinx T2.2 Identification of LOSD Service architecture T2.3 Recommended LOSD Service implementation for NSOs in the ESS ADAPT Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D2.1 M4 Report LOSD Publication Pipeline and overall LOSD Service Architecture Derilinx D2.2 M5 LOSD Service recommended implementation best practices ADAPT

23 WP3: Pilot Implementation of LOSD Service
Objective WP3 will adopt a reuse-oriented strategy for the implementation of the LOSD Service for the specified use-cases. It relies on the results of recommendations from T2.3. Tasks T3.1 Pilot scoping, including data source identification Derilinx T3.2 Develop Centralised LOSD publication platform T3.3 Implementation of use-cases from four NSO partners T3.4 Pilot assessment Insight Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D3.1 M5 Report Pilot scoping, including data source identification Derilinx D3.2 M7 Software Centralised LOSD Publication Platform D3.3 M15 Software (Web-based platform) Implementation of use-cases from four NSO partners D3.4 Pilot Assessment Insight

24 WP4: Documentation, Dissemination and Harmonization
Objective In WP4 the project partners will leverage project activities and pilot use-case implementations to maximize the project impact. WP4 will provide the complete technical documentation of the LOSD Service and handbook. WP4, in collaboration with the different NSOs will assist in the dissemination of the results through the participation to three Hackathons. Tasks T4.1 Complete documentation of the LOSD Service Derilinx T4.2 How-to user manual for publishers, linkers and users of LOSD Insight T4.3 Hackathon Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D4.1 M18 Report Complete documentation of the LOSD Service Derilinx D4.2 How-to user manual for publishers, linkers and users of LOSD Insight D4.3 M6, 12, 18 Events Hackathon

25 WP5: Project Management
Objective WP5 will ensure an efficient, effective and professional execution of the project activities. Tasks T5.1 Project management Derilinx Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D5.1 M18 Report Final Project Report Derilinx

26 LOSD Publication Project GANTT

27 LOSD Training Deirdre Lee
Provision of services, tools and training materials for publishing, using and visualising Linked Open Data 27th Feb 2018 Deirdre Lee @deirdrelee @derilinx

28 LOSD Training Provision of services, tools and training materials for publishing, using and visualising Linked Open Data

29 Main Challenges for LOSD Adoption
Lack of appropriate skills for data production and dissemination inside NSOs, and for data reuse by users Perceived immaturity of tooling despite eisting success stories Lack of clear guidelines and how-to Lack of awareness and buy-in from top management in some NSOs

30 LOSD Training Methodology
Use-Case Reporting Training Services Online Knowledge Base Training & Collaboration Platform LOSD Capacity Building Specification & Scoping Vision and business case definition Use-case definition Inventory of Key resources LOSD Publication pipeline definition LOSD Service Architecture Design Pilot Design Requirements Validation Recommendation and Implementation of the LOSD Service Validation, documentation, and harmonization

31 LOSD Training Methodology
LOSD Capacity Building Specification & Scoping Vision and stakeholder definition Project scoping Use-case definition

32 LOSD Training Methodology
Training & Collaboration Platform Learning management system Efficient delivery and sharing of training materials. Sharing knowledge and resources

33 LOSD Training Methodology
Online Knowledge Base Knowledge base for training materials User guidelines for the publication and linking of LOSD User guidelines for LOSD visualisation User guidelines for existing LOSD tools, processes, infrastructure and standards

34 LOSD Training Methodology
Training Services In-person training Webinars Hackathons Training courses

35 LOSD Training Methodology
Use-Case Reporting Report on the experiences of the NSOs in the implementation of the LOSD Service Improvement of the LOSD Service, knowledge-base and training services.

36 LOSD Training Project Phases
Training & Collaboration Platform Specification & Scoping LOSD Training Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Planned Started/Finished Phase 1: LOSD Capacity Building Specification and Scoping Phase 2: Provision and maintenance of the training and collaboration platform Phase 3: LOSD Training Services

37 LOSD Training Project Phases
Training & Collaboration Platform Specification & Scoping LOSD Training Services 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

38 WP1: LOSD Capacity Building Specification & Scoping
Objective WP1 aims to contextualise the project vision, stakeholders and usage scenarios. WP1 also defines the LOSD training and support plan. Tasks T1.1 Vision & stakeholders definition Derilinx T1.2 Use-case definition T1.3 Design an LOSD Service Support plan Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D1.1 M2 Report Vision and Stakeholders Definition Derilinx D1.2 M3 Use-Case Definition D1.3 Capacity Building Plan

39 WP2: Training & Collaboration Platform
Objective WP 2 supports and contributes to the development of a collaboration platform for LOD, which includes access to the LOSD Knowledge Base and in-person training. Tasks T2.1 Develop a training & collaboration platform for LOSD Derilinx Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D2.1 M5 Software Training & Collaboration Platform Derilinx

40 WP3: Online Training Material / Knowledge Base
Objective WP 3 is responsible for the generation of a comprehensive set of training services, documentation and user guides for the service to publish and link statistical data, which will be made available in user-friendly formats on the collaboration platform. Tasks T3.1 User guidelines for the publication and linking of LOSD Derilinx T3.2 User guidelines for LOSD visualisation T3.3 User guidelines for existing LOSD tools, processes, infrastructure and standards Insight Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D3.1 M12 Documentation User guidelines for the publication and linking of LOSD  Derilinx D3.2 User guidelines for LOSD visualisation D3.3 User guidelines for existing LOSD tools, processes, infrastructure and standards  Insight

41 WP4: Training Services Objective Tasks Deliverables
WP4 is concerned with the provision of training services, both in-person and online via webinars. The training services will be supported by the knowledge-base developed in WP3. Access to training materials will be made available on the collaboration platform for all participants prior the events. Tasks T4.1 Production of Webinars Insight T4.2 Participation in Hackathons T4.3 Training Courses [on demand] Derilinx Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D4.1a M8 Webinar Webinar 1: From modelling and publishing to analysis and visualization of Linked Open Statistical Data Insight D4.1b M13 Webinar 2: Consuming Linked Open Statistical Data D4.2 M6, 12, 18 Event Hackathon  Insight D4.3  - Training Training course Derilinx

42 WP5: Use-Case Reporting
Objective WP5 reports on the NSO use cases, describing their experiences and lessons learned. This will, on the one hand, feed back into the development and iteration of the LOSD Service and, on the other hand, support the development of a training and capacity building roadmap for other NSOs who wish to publish and link statistical data to follow. Tasks T5.1 Report on the NSO Use Cases Derilinx T5.2 Training and capacity building roadmap Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D5.1 M15 Report Report on the NSO Use Cases  Derilinx D5.2 M18 Training and capacity building roadmap

43 WP6: Project management
Objective WP6 will be used to ensure an efficient, effective, and professional execution project activities. Tasks T6.1 Project management Derilinx Deliverables Deliverable Date Type Title/Description Lead Partner D6.1 M18 Report Final Project Report Derilinx

44 LOSD Capacity Project GANTT

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