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Italian traded products RME,

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1 Italian traded products RME, 1995-2010
Eurostat Task Force on Material Flow Accounts Italian traded products RME, Renato Marra Campanale, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Aldo Femia, Italian National Institute of Statistics Luxembourg, June 2013

2 Italian Imports RME, Estimated by applying EU level RME coefficients - by 166 product groups - for all imported products: for intra-EU imports the EU level RME exports coefficients are applied; for extra-EU imports the EU level RME imports coefficients are applied.

3 Leontievian reallocation to final demand categories of DMIRME,
Italian Exports RME, (1) Leontievian reallocation to final demand categories of DMIRME, - based on Italian 60x60 IOT matrices ( ) - the monetary IOT was converted into a hybrid IOT

4 Italian Exports RME, 1995-2010 (2)
The monetary use structures of the following product groups have been replaced by physical structures: CPA 02 “Products of forestry, logging and related services” CPA 05 “Fish and other fishing products; services incidental to fishing” CPA 10 “Coal and lignite; peat” CPA 11 “Crude petroleum and natural gas; services incidental to oil and gas extraction excluding surveying” CPA 14 “Other mining and quarrying products” CPA 23 “Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels” CPA 40 “Electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water”

5 Domestic and global resource extraction associated with Italian production and consumption, by materials origin and type, and by materials use purpose (final demand), Italy, , (million tonnes)

6 RME of imports (million tonnes)
2000 RME/direct flow: 2.2 2010 RME/direct flow: 2.2 RME/direct flow 1.7 5.5 6 2.9 2010

7 RME of exports (million tonnes)
2000 RME/direct flow: 3.7 2010 RME/direct flow: 3.1 RME/direct flow 3.6 6.4 4.2 10.4 2008

8 Raw materials embodied in final domestic use by kind of product, Italy, 2008 (percentages)

9 Migration from CPA 2002 to CPA 2008
The final report of the RME project leaves open the possible options: Continuing the current CPA 2002 based calculation model b) Migration of the calculation model to CPA 2008 At the present time in Italy: the new time series start from 2008: Istat provides SUTs based on the new classification for 2008 and 2009. The SUTs based on the old classification could still be used to show RME data at the macro level

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