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One Health Collaborative at Rutgers: A Species Inclusive Approach

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1 One Health Collaborative at Rutgers: A Species Inclusive Approach
to Advancing Global Health Sciences S Jasani1, G Bachmann1, B Perry4, C Ayers1, L Kahn5, R Marlink2, J Escobar3, K Lin3 1Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, 2Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences, 3Office of Global Health 4Department of Orthopedics ; Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 5Princeton University INTRODUCTION A One Health Collaborative at Rutgers has been established under the Global Health Department. This program will utilize four pillars: clinical practice, outreach, education and research to promote health and well-being globally and locally integrating humans, animals and the environment. CLINICAL PRACTICE Examining bonding behavior in sheep may enhance the human delivery experience improving maternal and neonatal care. EDUCATION One Health Grand Rounds at Rutgers pilot data (N=30) 73% relevant 82% should be included 60% incorporate in practice CONCLUSION The Rutgers One Health Collaborative promotes interdisciplinary collaboration to promote health. One Health is relevant and should be included in human health care training and practice. We plan to expand this program locally within the state of New Jersey but globally as well to serve as an innovative framework for health, wellness and disease. METHODS ONE HEALTH COLLABORATIVE AT RUTGERS RBHS OBGYN OUTREACH Emphasis on the interconnectedness of humans, animals and the environment can create awareness of species and environmental conservation and lead to recycling frameworks. RESEARCH One Health promotes comparative medicine, an efficient research framework. Animals can be examined in managed care settings via in “living laboratories.” Veterinary Medicine Global Health Ecological Sciences Family Medicine Pediatrics Psychiatry Animal Sciences

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