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Alive!!! Alive!!! Alive!!! Colossians 2:8.

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Presentation on theme: "Alive!!! Alive!!! Alive!!! Colossians 2:8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alive!!! Alive!!! Alive!!! Colossians 2:8

2 Today you are you. That is truer than true
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! How many of you remember this famous statement from dr. Sues? It is one of those unforgettables well Today that is you Johnny Dr. Seuss

3 The question for the day
how do we know not only that we are physically alive but know that we are spiritually alive?!

4 We remain alive in Christ when we see to it
So it is not just functioning see I want us to move beyond just functioning in our walk When you say see to it Like all the things that Miranda saw to while I was away. She got er done See here is the deal if we are not seeing to it in the spiritual than our children are not seeing to it in the spiritual our neighbors are not seeing to it Okay what does it mean Belp-o - a primary verb to look at Literal or figuratively Be on guard/beware

5 We remain alive in Christ when we see to it
So look on Pay attention to It is like a traffic sign. So I like to glide into a stop sign and then continue to move forward. So I recognize the stop sign I pay attention to it do I follow it completely maybe not always. But I consider by looking around and face it if I need to so if someone else is there to contemplate with me about it. Heed + we need to be aware of the unseen motive. The unseen in truth The unseen often times is the greatest enemy of the church. The unseen is often the worst enemy of our soul. We do not prepare ourselves for what’s to come. Consider + face Take care (heed) + unseen-foresee the unseen

6 We remain alive in Christ when we are not taken captive
This can not be further from the truth. Paul writes this here to come against such lies and why this is about being alive. Those that step away from truth (knowledge) that is separate from the Spirit come away from the active ness of the Word. They lowered the need to recognize the need for Jesus Christ the role he played in the message and salvation Paul said that spirituality is to set ones affections on Christ and in so doing removing all that is contrary to his will Gnosticism-from the Greek gnosis (knowledge) Gnostics believed that all secrets of God were in the mind or appeared in an immaterial identity and that possession of knowledge was the only requirement for salvation.

7 We remain alive in Christ when we refuse to not give into empty thoughts/teaching
Kenos-empty handed/foolish/vain The opposite of pleres (full) Fruitless-without usefulness or success

8 Emptiness Let’s be honest emptiness
if we do not see to our walk with the lord we will give into emptiness In the Greek it is without USEFULNESS WHAT DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO BE USELESS PAUL IS TELLING US THAT WE WILL FEEL USELESS THIS IS A FEELING AS HUMANS WE DO NOT LIKE We were not created for it

9 We remain alive in Christ when we refuse to not give into human tradition
Man pleaser Human tradition is a deceiver It destroys the fresh work of the spirit

10 We remain alive in Christ when we refuse to not give into elemental spirits
The components of something very basic Adhering to simple principles of life instead of adhering to the true knowledge of Christ

11 We are being prepped for heaven Not the world
It’s like preparing a great meal there is a process

12 Text You cannot do anything without god. It is a profound and elemental truth. Marco Rubio

13 We remain alive in Christ when we refuse to not give into the world
The present order of things on earth Hence Paul is telling us that the world brings about evil both physical and spiritual. We become a subject of Satan

14 Empty worldly thoughts?
See to it What are you seeing to? Empty worldly thoughts? Human tradition? Elemental things? The world? Or Christ

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