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Published byJacobus Beckers Modified over 6 years ago
Department of Surgery OSCE: 5 APRIL 2011 Paediatric-, Plastic-& Vascular Surgery
Answer all questions in written on the answer sheets provided Remember your name and student nr on each page The OSCE consists of 16 stations, 5 marks each, 5 minutes per station No cell phone, books or study material may be brought into the examination venue.
Slide 1 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions – slide 1 What is the diagnosis suggested by the X-Ray? Wat is die diagnose wat hierdie X-Straal voorstel? How do these babies classically present? Wat is die klassieke presentering van hierdie babas? What are the referring doctor’s duties before transferring this baby? Wat is die verwysende dokter se pligte voordat hierdie baba na ‘n tersiere inrigting oorgeplaas word? Double bubble sign – duodenal atresia - No meconium from day 1 - Feeding intolerance. - Bilious Vomiting - Abdominal distension - Associated with Down’s Syndrome and polyhydramnios also associated with cardiovascular abnormalities. - Episodes of apnoea and bradycardia. c) Two sides: - Accurate Hx plus examination. - orogastric tube insertion. - IV line and fluid resuscitation. Monitor vitals and keep temperature constant.
Slide 2 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 2 A. Give a differential diagnosis? Gee ‘n differensiële diagnose? B. What do you think is the most probable diagnosis here and how would you treat this girl? Wat dink jy is die mees waarskynlike diagnose hier en hoe sou jy hierdie kind behandel? a) Capillary Haemangioma (“port wine stain” / Strawberry naevis) – around eye may cause ambliopia, give steroids to prevent cx and observe Erythema Soft tissue sarcoma AV Malformation Cobb Syndrome Dabska Tumour b) Most likely haemangioma Give corticosteroids 2 mg/kg/day Atenolol (B-blocker) Laser therapy for flat lesions Surgery rarely necessary
Slide 3 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 3 A. What is the name of this abnormality? Wat is die naam van hierdie abnormaliteit? B. Why is this condition clinically important? Hoekom is hierdie toestand klies belangrik? C. What is the embryological explanation for this condition? Wat is die embriologiese verduideliking vir hierdie toestand? Meckel’s diverticulum b) Can cause, intussusceptions, volvulus, Lower GI bleed or diverticulitis. c) Remnant of vitelline duct (didn’t regress during 5th – 7th week of gestation)
Slide 4 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 4 This child presents with a reducible lump.
Hierdie kind presenteer met ‘n reduseerbare swelling. A. What is the likely diagnosis? Wat is die mees waarskynlike diagnose? B. When must surgery be done and what does it consist of? Wanneer moet chirurgie gedoen word en what behels dit? Indirect inguinal hernia Prompt mx: - prevent cx by elective surgery (testes also run through inguinal canal) Reduce the bowel Dissect sac away from cord, ligate neck at internal ring and remove sac Plicate transverse fascia Suture conjoint tendon to ing ligament in order to strenthen post wall Reduce internal ring
Slide 5 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 5 This is a 3 week old child who has vomited some bile and shows mild abdominal distension. Hierdie is ‘n 3 week oue kind wat gal gebraak het en wys ‘n effense buikopsetting. A. What is the likely diagnosis? Wat is die waarskynlike diagnose? B. Why is this a surgical emergency? Hoekom is hierdie ‘n chirurgiese noodgeval? Intestinal Malrotation (corkscrew appearance) b) Causes obstruction which leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Could lead to bowel infarction
Slide 1a – Paediatric Surgery
Slide 1b – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slides 1a & 1b
A. What is the classical history and clinical findings on examination of the patient. Wat is die klassieke geskiedenis en kliniese bevindinge in die pasiënt. B. What are the treatment options available for this condition and name the life threatening complications of this condition. Noem die behandelings opsies beskikbaar vir hierdie toestand asook die lewensbedreigende komplikasies. Intussception Previously healthy child; sudden, severe intermittent abdominal pain. Vomiting, fever, tachycardia Currant jelly stools. Fits of screaming and diaphoresis. Lethargy Sausage shaped abdominal mass palpable Pneumatic reduction. Open reduction. Complications: Perforation, Bowel necrosis, Shock, Dehydration and malnutrition.
Slide 2 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 2 A. What is the clinical diagnosis? Wat is die kliniese diagnose? B. What must you do before you transfer the patient for further care? Wat moet u doen voordat u die pasiënt oorplaas vir verdere behandeling? Omphalocoele b) Arrange with paediatric surgeon. Obtain an airway, O2 therapy. IV line, infuse Ringer’s with Dextrose. Keep Warm Jello-net / keep moist Keep membrane intact Prophylactic antibiotics.
Slide 3 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 3 A. What is the typical history of a child with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis? Wat is die tipiese geskiedenis van ‘n kind met hipertrofiese piloriese stenose? B. What are the physical signs? Wat is die fisiese tekens? C. What are the metabolic disturbances found? What is the operation shown called? Wat is die metaboliese versteurings wat gevind word? Wat is die naam van die prosedure? a) Presents at 3-6 weeks of age. Projectile, non-bilious vomiting. b) Dehydration and weight loss Visible peristalsis Mass may be felt (olive shape) Abdominal distension c) Hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis (due to loss of gastric acid) Procedure: Ramstedt Pyloromyotomy.
Slide 4 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 4 A. This photograph shows a fistula on the anterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. What is the diagnosis and the etiology? Hierdie foto wys ‘n fistel op die voorkanste rand van die sternokleidomastoide spier. Wat is die diagnose en die etiologie? B. What are the possible complications and what is the treatment of choice in uncomplicated cases? Wat is die moontlike komplikasies en wat is die behandeling van keuse in ongekompliseerde gevalle? A) Dx: Branchial Cleft Cyst Aetiology: Failure of obliteration of branchial cleft in embryological development. B) Infection Fistula Compression (near carotid and hypoglossal nerve) Treatment conservative or surgical. Not always possible to resect all, due to proximity to jugular vessels. Thus may recur. Early excision
Slide 5 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions for slide 5 A. What do you see on this abdominal
X-Ray? / Wat sien jy op hierdie abdominale X-straal? B. What clinical signs is this newborn presenting with? / Met watter kliniese tekens presenteer hierdie pasgeborene? C. Give a differential diagnosis (quite a few conditions can be the cause of this abnormal AXR). Gee ‘n differensiële diagnose (‘n paar toestande kan die oorsaak wees van hierdie abnormale X-Straal). Distended bowel loops with air fluid levels Distended abdomen Bilious/fecaloid Vomitus Constipation Pain Dyspnoea / respiratory distress Dehydration and malnutrition c) Hernia Hirschsprungs disease Intestinal Atresia Meconium ileus due to cystic fibrosis Intestinal malrotation Paralytic ileus
Station 4 – Paediatric
Questions Slide 4 A. What abnormality is depicted on this CXR? Watter abnormaliteit word in hierdie CXR uitgebeeld? B. What might be the symptoms of this child? Watter simptome mag hierdie kind toon? C. What treatment do you suggest? Watter behandeling sou jy voorstel? Morgagni Hernia (Retrosternal) Symptoms: Asymptomatic Respiratory disstress at birth. Recurrent chest infections Intestinal obstruction Orogastric tube. Secure airway, usually needs ventilation. Laparoscopic reduction and repair.
Station 5 – Paediatric Surgery
Questions Slide 5 A. What is the diagnosis? Wat is die diagnose?
B. What must you do before you transfer the patient? Wat moet jy doen voordat jy hierdie pasiënt oorplaas? Gastroschesis IV infusion with Ringer’s with added dextrose. Orogastric tube. Obtain airway. Parenteral antibiotics. Manage hypothermia Cover defect (As sterile as possible) Keep in incubator if possible. Consent if parent not accompanying and also contact details
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