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Deanna Emery Mentor: Dick Gustafson

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Presentation on theme: "Deanna Emery Mentor: Dick Gustafson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Deanna Emery Mentor: Dick Gustafson
A Coherent Three Dimensional FFT Based Search Scheme for Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Star Systems Deanna Emery Mentor: Dick Gustafson LIGO Scientific Collaboration

2 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Basic Idea LIGO Scientific Collaboration

3 Phase Modulated Signal
ω = carrier frequency (frequency of gravitational wave) Ω = modulation frequency (orbital frequency of binary system) Γ = modulation index/ modulation amplitude (representing the Doppler shift) Assuming circular motion LIGO Scientific Collaboration

4 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Search Limits LIGO looks for signals between 10 to 2000 Hz Target binary neutron stars with orbital frequencies of around 0.1 to 10-6 Hz Modulation index ranges from 0.1 to 500,000 LIGO Scientific Collaboration

5 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Program Strategy Factor the phase modulation out of the signal Work in the frequency domain Convolution Theorem Perform a search over the three parameters LIGO Scientific Collaboration

6 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
The Program LIGO Scientific Collaboration

7 The Jacobi-Anger Expansion
LIGO Scientific Collaboration

8 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Outline of Program Sample a phase modulated signal Take the FFT and plot it Perform search through parameters Generate 3D plot and find values of the three parameters General steps of program LIGO Scientific Collaboration

9 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Results Plot for candidate value of Γ Gives values for all three parameters Baseline features Took just over 4 mins N = 1 Million 500 Million steps total in search Size of bins: each bin is 0.01 Hz w- 0:500 Hz (steps of 0.01)– 500,000 steps W- 0:1 Hz (steps of 0.01)– 100 steps g- 5:15 (steps of 1)– 10 steps For g- 45:55, T = 10s N = 100,000 Took 5 seconds T = 100 Took 10 mins LIGO Scientific Collaboration

10 First Try At Adding Noise
fc = 100 Hz, fm = 0.5 Hz, Γ = 5 LIGO Scientific Collaboration

11 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Adding Noise Γ = 5 fc = 100 Hz fm = 0.5 Hz LIGO Scientific Collaboration

12 LIGO Scientific Collaboration
Possible Limitations N (number of elements in the data array) Size of search Number of Jacobi-Anger expansion terms Phase of neutron star More than one signal Several phase modulated signals can be found A regular sinusoidal signal is picked up by sidebands LIGO Scientific Collaboration

13 Further Investigation
Effects of noise Non-Gaussian noise (with spikes) Address annoying baseline features Computing realties All-sky search stratagems LIGO Scientific Collaboration

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