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GCSE English Language and Literature

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE English Language and Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE English Language and Literature
Miss Martin

2 The English GCSE courses
The course(s) All exams will be closed text! EDEXCEL English Language Paper 1 Creative Reading & Writing (19C) EXAM Paper 2 Non Fiction Reading & Writing (20,C 21 C) EXAM S&L Endorsement Presentation in front of an audience Good evening. A year ago I stood here and told you about how much you have to do – look how far you have come! No into the revision stage! AQA English Literature Paper 1 Shakespeare and 19th century fiction EXAM Paper 2 Modern fiction and poetry EXAM

3 EDEXCEL English Language AQA English Literature
In year 10 EDEXCEL English Language Paper 1 Creative Reading & Writing (19C) EXAM Paper 2 Non Fiction Reading & Writing (20,C 21 C) EXAM S&L Endorsement Presentation in front of an audience AQA English Literature Paper 1 Shakespeare and 19th century fiction EXAM Paper 2 Modern fiction and poetry EXAM Good evening. A year ago I stood here and told you about how much you have to do – look how far you have come! No into the revision stage!

4 How are they different? English Literature: Knowledge
English Language – skills For English Lit you will need to know the texts you have studied really well. There are a few things you can do now to help you: Keep your exercise book neat this will become one of your most effective revision tools – keep it organised and ensure you have access to everything you need to know when the time comes Check anything you don’t understand NOW there will not be time to find it out later Talk about what you are learning – every time you do this you articulate your knowledge – exactly what you need to do in the exam Use Active Revision Techniques: Active revision is around 80% more effective than passive revision. There is only one way to improve skills in any subject – practise! Revise your key words and make yourself use them in written work and when you are discussing Keep a spelling log Go back to basics and learn and test yourself on spellings you have previously gotten wrong Use correct grammar even if you are only sending a text message Keep up to date with your green penning Outline of revision strategies and thoughts behind them

5 Successful Students READ

6 Tell your parents how they relate to your learning from the lesson
Active Revision Today’s Key Words Revise Your Key Words Every Lesson. Check that you can spell your key words, you know what they mean and you can use them in a sentence. Tell your parents how they relate to your learning from the lesson GOLDEN RULES Know the papers Know your words Know your gaps Student hand up – how many of you have resorted to ‘reading your text book’ or flicking through the set texts?

7 Revision exercises we LOVE

8 Tools to help you practise
Instructions for each question Read through the instructions. Make flashcards with success criteria and sentence stems Annotated Exemplars Read through these. Identify what the student has done well and how. Annotate with your own notes. Practise Papers Use your PLC. Focus on the questions you find hard Mark-schemes (exam board and my version) Have a go at marking your answer. Key word lists (toolkits) Make flash cards. Test yourself. Test each other. Ask your parents to test you. Read an article and find word types / devices / sentence forms

9 How we will help…

10 GCSE maths Mrs Hutchinson
AQA 8300

11 There are 2 tiers of entry
Higher or foundation Students are being put in groups based on where we think they will be It is flexible, they can move up and down depending on how they work If students want to get a 5 or higher they need to be doing higher

12 What we are Teaching Numbers and the number system Calculation
Geometry and measure Statistics Probability Algebra

13 Much more problem solving and reasoning
Huge increase in this in the last 2 years Students need to have a deeper understanding of why they are doing things in maths rather than just learning procedures Main difference between a Grade 4 candidate and a Grade 5 candidate Using mastery approaches in lessons

14 An example question Basic question to test knowledge
Expanded question to test their understanding of this topic in a different context or with increased complexity

15 What you can do to help? Make sure they are in school as much as is possible Make sure homework is done properly Make sure they have a calculator and all the equipment that they need Make sure they are getting enough sleep etc Make sure students are prepared for end of term tests

16 Useful websites Pixl maths app

17 Revision Guides These will be sold in year 11.
Need to know what tier they will be doing, so they have the right guide Other resources are available. Corbettmaths flash cards

18 Science GCSE Miss Swannack

19 Changes to Science GCSE.
GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy (double award) All sat in June 2020 6 X 1hr 15mins exams – 2 X Biology 2 X Chemistry 2 X Physics GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Physics All sat in June 2020 2 X 1hr 45 min exams for each subject 2 X Biology 2 X Chemistry 2 X Physics

20 The Science Exams – what you need to know.
Basically two types of question - • Closed − multiple-choice, link boxes, sentence completion, labelling diagrams. • Open − labelling/drawing diagrams, short answer, calculations, extended response. More scaffold questions in Foundation Tier papers. There will be a higher proportion of multiple-choice and short answer questions in the Foundation Tier too. In Higher Tier papers there will be more marks for open and extended response questions.

21 How to be successful at Science
Revise for every test – i.e. Little and often. Use the objective sheets given in every lesson – check your learning. Make revision cards/posters/mind maps Go over your work that evening – ask for help. Use Kerboodle We will offer – Revision Guides (£2.75 -£5.50) Student Text Book (£6.50-£10) Keyword Lists Content Checklists Revision Sessions (Next year) Intervention (if necessary)

22 Effective revision strategies
What is your approach?






28 How to make revision…. pro active interactive kinaesthetic
collaborative focused retrievable:

29 work out which bits we really need?
How do we store information? Too much info... How do we work out which bits we really need? Consolidation Recall Memory Interpretation Selection skills

30 Condense information to create a revision wall...


32 distraction? relevant? linked? timed?
If music be the food of success? distraction? relevant? linked? timed? PhotoStoryomam final_2.wmv PhotoStoryflies_6.wmv

33 or... or...

34 visual symbols get-togethers mnemonics note-taking skim reading
summary sheets visual symbols subject maps

35 There is no such thing as
20 minute bursts concentrate on weak areas spend time wisely turn off all distractions playlist music only! sleep is the best preparation get all equipment ready the night before an exam There is no such thing as 'No Homework!

36 How Can Parents Support…
Build confidence Tough love Be the student Let them impress you If you’re concerned…. You know what’s best Call us

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