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Presentation on theme: "A SERVICE TO IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY The Case of Reunion Island"— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Road Map La Réunion : A short overview and some figures
SLIME : What is it for ? SLIME : How does it works ? SLIME : A Review

3 La Reunion : a short overview
La Reunion Island : A European and French overseas Region It is a Convergence Objective Region Population : h. Surface : Sq km² GDP (2016) : 18 Milliards d’€ 45 % population living under poverty threshold La Reunion is a non inter-connected area compared to the other regions of European mainland. (Its electricity grid is 1000 times smaller than the European grid) Reunion Island aims to become fully renewable electricity powered in 2030 A volcanic Island Sub Tropical climate Wet and windy Multiculrural population A national Park recognized as Unesco inheritage


5 Final Energy Consumed in 2016 : FOSSIL and RENEWABLE ENERGIES
TRANSPORT 62,5% (625,5 ktep) Final Energy Consumed in 2016 : 1000,5 ktep FOSSIL ENERGIES FOSSIL and RENEWABLE ENERGIES ELECTRICITY 23,2% (232,9 ktep)

6 Electricity produced in 2016 = 2 985,2 GWh (variation 2017/2016 = +1,8% )

7 A Master Plan for Energy Transition in La Reunion which aims to :
Target the electricity autonomy in 2030 combining energy efficiency and the improvement of RE Reduce fossil energy consumption caused by transport in using alternative ways of transportation. Maximize the use of local renewable resources characterized with a high potential : Biomas / Sun / Hydro / Sea Develop An Energy Transition for ALL! Achieve an autonomy in energy for 2050 !

8 SLIME : What is it for ? We cannot achieve Energy Transition and Climate Action without Climate Justice! One of the dimensions of Climate Justice means that nobody should left behind the Energy Transition. Nobody should stay in an Energetic Precarity regarding the access to Renewable Energy and low cost Energy. ENERGY TRANSITION MUST BE FOR ALL ! Solving Energetic Precarity becomes also a major challenge that regional governments have to face with in convergence objective Regions ! In France, Energetic Precarity has been defined by the Law (article 11 de la Loi Grenelle II du 12 juillet 2010) : « Somebody is characterized by precarity when he faces difficulties to access energy to satisfy his elementary needs due to his low incomes and the poor energetical performances of his home. » SLIME program (Service Local d’Intervention pour la Maitrise de l’Energie) is also one the innovative responses to face the precarity challenge : in France, Central and Local Governments built, with partners like EDF, a Local Service for helping households to improve the management of their Energy efficiency and to reduce their spending. In La Reunion, SLIME involves Regional Council (Region Reunion), EDF and Reunion Energy Agency (SPL Energy Reunion)

9 SLIME : How does it work ? SLIME consists in a unique access service aiming to detect or locate households facing energetic precarity, to harness the difficulties they are facing and to propose them solutions in order to reduce their energy spending and to help them to extract from this precarity trap SLIME is a real coaching service for households, deployed at a national level and in coordination with National Committee of Renewable Energies In Reunion Island, SLIME involves Region Reunion, EDF and SPL Energy Reunion and is part of the Master Energy Plan (PPE) aiming to achieve autonomy in electricity in Thanks to SLIME, local authorities also pursue a social goal in helping to improve the living conditions of households and their purchasing power. SLIME proceeds in a three steps methodology which implies to : Locate the households in precarity thanks to a network of alert launchers Make the diagnosis of the households’ energy balance and to provide them advices and small electric toolkits to reduce their water or energy consumption Bring them solutions and to orient them towards the good actors to change some of their electrical appliances and to do some improvement works in their home.

10 SLIME : a Review Since it begins in July 2014, SLIME has benefited to households. The SLIME service, deployed in La Reunion, is today the most important in France in terms of diagnosis Since 2017, it is now 5000 families which have access to personal diagnosis. The toolkits that are provided to them allow them to save around 400 kWh or 60 euros / year. More than saving bulbs and toolkits to save water have been shared among these households. Families have also had access to network of workers allowing them to improve their electric grids and their energy efficiency. The diagnosis of the families has also allowed to locate the households which can benefit the Regional Program fund with ESF FEDER to get a solar water heater : Since 2015, more than 3000 SWH have been installed implying a saving of 170 euros per year and to avoid 1500 kWh. Their energy bill has been globally reduced by 20 %. More globally SLIME can be considered as a smart step in order to maximize the efficiency of ESF regarding the precarity challenge. In 2018, SLIME’s budget is 2.5 M euros and is supported by Regional Council (49 %) and EDF (51 %)

11 Regional Council of La Reunion committed to an energy transition for ALL !
Activities Parter Indicators Ecosolidaire 2011/2017 Région/EDF/UE (depuis 2015) 3 392 CESI € alloués depuis 2011 dont € FEDER Slime 2014/2017 Région/EDF Diagnostics chez particuliers Equipements MDE 4 400MWh évités € réalisation diagnostics Chèques PV Région Réunion Centrales PV + 4,1MWc


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