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Department Reserve Reports (Blue Binders)

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1 Department Reserve Reports (Blue Binders)
Multi-year Statement of Fund Balances Controlled by Departments and Programs

2 Department Reserve Report
A five-year report sent to department and program administrators and the deans in October or November for the previous fiscal year (the FY14 report is for FY10-FY14) The report is based on data from the ReportMart3 154 Fund Balance Summary report Classifies funds based on the following criteria: Award owning organization Control (same logic as determination of Principal Owner for FFIT) Purpose Fund Type The first tab of the report contains the report description

3 Department Reserve Report

4 Include/Exclude Data for excluded funds that are owned by your department or program is on the tab titled “raw data – exclude” None of this data is included in the tables or charts Data for included funds is on the tab titled “raw data – include”

5 Inflow/Outflow The second tab is titled “in-out flow all yrs”
Inflow-Outflow report is only accurate for expendable and endowed funds controlled by department or program Inflow includes receipts, endowment payout, and transfers in Outflow includes expenses, capital purchases, operating budget support, transfers out, and net investments

6 Designated Funds Outflow
For designated funds, including the faculty support designated restricted funds in the FZ range, the Inflow/Outflow calculation is not accurate Most inflow is from the operating budget (general funds), but the ReportMart3 154 report combines those entries with transfers to the operating budget – we’re working on a solution to this reporting problem

7 Endowment Funds Inflow
Endowment funds include inflow from Endowment Payout and Other Receipts columns of the 154 report. For those endowments that reinvested income to principal from , the reinvestment amount is combined with Other Receipts. This was changed in FY12.

8 Balance Reports and Charts
For each department and program there are three sets of reports and charts The default filter for each report is for department-controlled funds Administrators can also look at faculty-controlled funds by clicking on the filter arrow on the control field

9 Reserves - Overview Control Includes Department Controlled Funds
Excludes Faculty Controlled Funds Purpose Excludes Student Support Funds Includes Funds Used in Reserve Calculations (General, Instruction/Research, Budget Savings, Discretionary) Excludes Funds Not Used in Reserve Calculations (Other Student, Acquisitions, Conference/Event, Faculty-Visitor, Curatorship, Facilities, Postdoc, Library, Equipment, Faculty-Other, Directorship, Faculty-Fellows, Faculty Scholar, Miscellaneous)

10 Reserves - Reports The “5-Yr Bal-Reserve Funds” tab is a report of ending balances by award with sub-totals by award purpose for each of the five years Only department-controlled funds are included in reserves The next tab, “Chart-Reserve Funds”, is a chart by fiscal year and purpose

11 Reserves - Control There are only two values for control – department and faculty The value is determined by the language in the fund authorization Funds controlled by a department chair or program director are classified as department-controlled (the same logic as used in determining the FFIT Principal Owner)

12 Reserves - Purpose The value set for purpose was created over ten years ago based on the fund authorization for each fund. The award purpose in Oracle is usually less refined (most often simply Instruction/Research) We have begun the process to update this attribute in Oracle so that we can use the Oracle field for the report, but for now the value is kept in the spreadsheet from year to year We expanded the breakdown of award purposes included in Reserves: General, Instruction/Research, Budget Savings, Discretionary , Exhibition/Production, Education

13 Non-Reserves Control Includes Department Controlled Funds
Excludes Faculty Controlled Funds Purpose Excludes Student Support Funds Includes Funds Not Used in Reserve Calculations (Other Student, Acquisitions, Conference/Event, Faculty-Visitor, Curatorship, Facilities, Postdoc, Library, Equipment, Faculty-Other, Directorship, Faculty-Fellows, Faculty Scholar, Miscellaneous) Excludes Funds Used in the Reserve Calculations (General, Instruction/Research, Budget Savings, Discretionary)

14 Student Support Control Includes Department Controlled Funds
Excludes Faculty Controlled Funds Purpose Includes only funds restricted to graduate student aid with graduate aid savings separated out as an additional purpose value Postdoc, MFA, undergraduate aid, and prizes are included under Other Student in the Non-Reserve calculations Many interdepartmental programs do not have any funds for student support, so these reports are empty

15 Department Reserve Report
What are these reports used for? Determine the total reserve for each department and program Determine fund restrictions on department reserves How should administrators review the reports? Is the fund owned by the correct organization? Should the fund be included as part of the reserve? Check the control point for each fund Check the purpose Any questions should be discussed with your Finance liaison

16 Department Reserve Report

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