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Inventory of some most common web 2.0 tools

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1 Inventory of some most common web 2.0 tools
María Eugenia López Hurtado Dirección Académica Universidad Nacional de Colombia Inventory of some most common web 2.0 tools

2 Creating avatars: Doppel me,
Making memes: (A meme is a unit of cultural information, transmitted via the Internet from one individual to other. It is also an information generator). More info at Digital transcriptions: Express scribe Storage services:, Readmeo Publishing content on the web: Creating short introductory videos: Test creation: Flash presentations: Grade scoring systems:

3 Creating digital brochures
Free tool to create speeches, stories, conduct meetings: Create audio messages: Create enhanced power point and video presentations

4 Presentation assistant (ideal to give lectures, and conduct meetings online): Online screen recording Publishing and sharing presentations Web-based word processor for collaborative tasks:

5 Free web based timelines:
Create interactive mindmaps collaboratively Free tool to create comic strips using images from Flickr (for a tutorial on the use of Bubblr in nteaching and learning visit

6 Free tool to add subtitles to YouTube videos
Video making tools: slide show , videos , movies Free tool to create interactive posters (with audiovisual enhanced systems) Audiovisual lectures

7 Flash game creator “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” - http://www
Word cloud generator: Wordle - and Word Magnets generator- Create a collaborative online notice board Widgets & Image Generator

8 Public opinion polls around the world: Ask 500 People - http://www
Ideas on Web 2.0 Ideas on digital presentations More ideas? , ,

9 Social Networks (useful communities for research/academic purposes) Personal learning spaces To make a collection of Web pages on a specific topic Survey services Cloud Computing  ( To digitally produce and share information on the Web:

10 You are welcome to nurture the previous inventory
Thanks You are welcome to nurture the previous inventory

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