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Be healthy stay active Youth exchange Zagreb,

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Presentation on theme: "Be healthy stay active Youth exchange Zagreb,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Be healthy stay active Youth exchange Zagreb, 06-16.07.2018
Poland, Croatia, Portugal, Macedonia

2 Group building On the first day we focused mostly on getting to know each other and other cultures. We talked about the main goals of the project. Our leader also introduced us to the idea of the Youthpass.

3 Challanges Part of getting to know each other was a really cute game – Secret Friend. Every participant had one and would give them fun challanges, sweet notes and gifts.

4 Focus groups Each day after activities we were trying to sum up things we did, things we learned. We also talked about our next day plans.


6 Meditation and Yoga We learned about the basics of yoga (we learned a few poses), and how it can benefit us in the long run - for example how it can cure/help with back problems. That was our time to relax! 


8 Jogging and street workout
Almost everyday we would go outside to work out – either to the park or to the outside gym. During that time we would often play games, exercise and have fun. We also got to play sports with our buddies.


10 City run On the 4th day we got a chance to play a really awsome game that allowed us to see the beauty of Zagreb. We had to do many challanges. Thanks to that we saw many historic buildings, monuments. We also took pictures with strangers.


12 Hiking to Sljeme On the 5th day we left our dorm early in the morning and went out for an amazing hike to Sljeme – the biggest mountain in Croatia. Even though we were very tired the view at the top was absolutely gorgeous.




16 Diet During workshops that we had every day we learned about a well balanced diet, we chose our diet plan. Later we learned about health and moral implications of vegeterianism and veganism.


18 Food Our youth leader explained to us what GMO is about, the health and enviromental implications connected with it. On day 4 we read our food ingredient declarations. One day later we tried to come up with healthy and cheap recipies.


20 Smartphone apps We looked for interesting apps on which we could track our progress. We also discussed our expiriences with health related apps. On day 7 we even learned to make our own aplications!



23 Intercultural evening
On the second day each country prepared its local snacks and treated us with them. Most of them were delicious! ;)



26 African food One afternoon our leader suprised us with an african dinner. It consisted of fried bananas (very salty!), spicy beans, and very spicy and very salty soup. Yum!

27 Local food making The day before our flights we made delicious local couisines.Poland made pierogis and żurek, Portugal rice pudding with cinammon, Croatia made a delightful salad, Macedonia gave us ajvar with goat cheese.


29 The end

30 PS. We had an amazing time during World Cup! GO CROATIA!
Group from Poland

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