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The Crusades.

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1 The Crusades

2 The First Crusade Results: Causes: Leaders:
Seljuk desecration of Christian holy sites Harassment of pilgrims Turkish threat to the Byzantine Empire Leaders: Godfrey of Bouillon Baldwin of Edessa Raymond of Toulouse The First Crusade Results: Defeat of the Seljuk Turks Establishment of the Latin Kingdoms of Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch and Tripoli The Latin Kingdoms

3 The Second Crusade Leaders: Raymond of Tripoli Cause:
Louis VII and Eleanor of France Conrad of Germany Abbot Bernard of Clairvaux Cause: The loss of the Latin Kingdom of Edessa to the Saracens under the leadership of Nur ad-Din The Second Crusade Results: Louis decided to attack Damascus, an ally of the Christians rather than Edessa. The attack was a disaster and caused Muslim leaders who had been allied with the Latin Kingdoms to change their alliance. The Crusade was a disaster and a complete failure

4 The Fall of Jerusalem Leaders: Guy de Lusignan Causes:
Balian of Ibelin Causes: Unification of the Saracen states under Saladin Lack of unity in Jerusalem after death of Baldwin IV The Fall of Jerusalem Results: Battle of Hattin – Crusader forces are massacred by Saladin’s army Loss of Jerusalem and most of the Latin Kingdoms except a few cities along the coast

5 The Third Crusade Leaders: Richard I “Lion Heart” Cause:
Philip Augustus Cause: The loss of Jerusalem to Saladin ten years earlier The Third Crusade Results: Reconquest of coastal cities; but Jerusalem is still in Muslim control Treaty with Saladin allows Christian pilgrims to return to Jerusalem

6 The Fourth Crusade Leaders: Venetian princes Cause:
As always after the fall of Jerusalem – to get it back Civil war on Byzantine Empire causes crusader army to get involved in it rather than go on to Egypt as planned The Fourth Crusade Results: Crusaders conquer Constantinople and put a “puppet” king on the throne City is sacked – including many churches and monasteries Western Christianity is imposed Leads to making the split between the Eastern and Western Churches permanent

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