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NETT Recruitment-Admissions Interactive Review Congruence Survey for case study 2 Relationship between recruitment and admissions activity.

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1 NETT Recruitment-Admissions Interactive Review Congruence Survey for case study 2 Relationship between recruitment and admissions activity

2 Staff breakdown

3 Staff breakdown

4 Staff training Do you feel you have been offered sufficient information, training and support on recruitment and admissions?

5 Staff training Additional information will come through experience of the processes as I am relatively new to the institution. Attending UCAS and Student Bursaries Business Objects Recruitment Faculty Meetings Certain people know certain things, nobody seems to know the full picture. The way we get it presented is often the statistics of where we are, rather than what needs to be done. I have only started work at the institution in the last month so my knowledge and training so far commensurate with that period UCAS have visited regarding tariff changes very useful While I do know a significant amount about recruitment and admissions for someone who does not work directly with applicants and students, I would like to better informed by UCAS on trends etc. Written guidance of the policies. Attended a conference earlier in the year which was a good start, but the faculty is really far to diverse to have a single policy. We appear to be in a one size fits no one state, which will have to improve. Yearly conference and opportunity for shadowing.

6 Staff congruence Set of questions comparing what respondents’ current understanding is with what they feel it should be: Congruence = match between what ‘is’ and what ‘should be’ The greater the divergence, the greater potential for unfulfilment in a recruitment or admissions context this could lead to unprofessionalism: misunderstanding between staff, poor decisions, incorrect IAG, missed targets … It should be easier to treat/redress slight divergence with increased information, communication, training Wide divergence may indicate a trickier problem to treat

7 Congruence A response on the red dotted line is congruent
Responses slightly away from the red dotted line (by about one grid point) are slightly incongruent Responses further away are highly incongruent Incongruence up and to the left of the dotted line is probably of greater concern but be wary of potential overconfidence suggested by incongruence down and to the right

8 My understanding of both recruitment and admissions strategies within my institution

9 My understanding of recruitment activity within my institution

10 My understanding of admissions activity within my institution

11 My understanding of the concerns of prospective students and their advisors

12 My understanding of external policy and funding changes impacting on student entry to my institution

13 My understanding of the internal policies that concern student entry to my institution

14 My understanding of the analysis of any ethical, equality impact or widening participation considerations for student entry to my institution

15 My understanding of the quality, reliability and sources of data used to analyse recruitment and admission activity in my institution

16 Additional suggestions
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving the effectiveness of recruitment and admissions in your institution? Enhanced prospectus for reference would ease effectiveness of recruitment It seems like students who have been rejected by staff are sometimes offered places by admissions and we do not know why. Managers to be fully aware of their areas to communicate to their teams More close links between Admissions and Faculties SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE INDUCTION OF NEW STAFF There needs to be a clear common message as to what the university is about, and there needs to be better management that sets goals and drives its staff towards them, including all members of staff, not the few in that area always willing to do things. Training - both initial and ongoing - across the very wide range of admissions-related areas (internal and external policy, legislation/regulations, professional development, admissions-skills (e.g. methods of appraising applicants/applications) etc...) along with a detailed institutional policy and 'user' guidelines/procedures. We are initiating some audit work around the success or lack of success of BME candidates which should inform future strategies.

17 Survey feedback Based on your experience of taking this survey, would you say it has been useful?

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