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Palmer Ridge High School Student Handbook

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1 Palmer Ridge High School Student Handbook 2018-19

2 This short presentation is designed to hit the high points of the policies in the Student Handbook. Thank you for your attention to this information.

3 Student Handbook Signature Sheet
Most of you have already submitted your signature sheets for the student handbook when you came in to process. THANK YOU!!! If you have not, please give the form to our staff in the front office or your Attendance Secretary by August 27th to avoid a consequence.

4 Assess/Advise/ICAP Period Backpacks and Book Bags
All Juniors and Seniors are assigned one of these periods and will be required to attend periodically throughout each semester. On the majority of days that they are not required to attend, students who choose to stay on campus must be in the upper commons. Keep your backpacks and book bags with you. Much like at the airport, unattended backpacks are subject to search.

5 PRHS establishes a dress code to ensure safety and a distraction free learning environment for students and staff. Our dress code encourages attire that is appropriate in a coeducational public setting where education can flourish. NO backless, strapless or off the shoulder garments Chest must be covered. NO cleavage may be exposed Students MUST wear shoes Hem lines on any item of clothing MUST reach mid thigh. If they do not reach the end of your longest finger, it is too short. Torso MUST be covered completely. If you raise your hand and your belly shows, the shirt is not appropriate. Dress Code

6 Dress Code Sagging is inappropriate. Keep pants pulled up.
See through clothing is NOT allowed. Camisole tops MUST have an outer shirt over it. Any clothing that is sexually suggestive or too tight or too sheer IS inappropriate. NO inappropriate or offensive sayings or slogans on any visible clothing! NO depictions of firearms, hate slogans, drugs, liquor or illegal activities! NO hats allowed at any time in the building. If you are addressed for not wearing dress code appropriate attire, you will be asked to change your clothes. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! If you think it may not be appropriate...then it more than likely is not. Dress Code

7 Electronic device (cell phones, iPods, headphones, computers and MP3 players) use is only allowed in the classroom with teacher permission. These devices are not to be used in hallways (passing periods), assemblies, detention or Saturday School. Earbuds or headphones are not to be used at any time in the hallways or as you are moving throughout the building. Misuse of electronic devices can result in confiscation of the device. If needed, your device can/will be confiscated and content viewed by PRHS administration with reasonable suspicion. Electronic Devices

8 Palmer Ridge High School is a Drug Free/Tobacco Free School Zone
Palmer Ridge High School is a Drug Free/Tobacco Free School Zone. Any person using or in possession of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, other controlled substances or drug-containing or drug-related paraphernalia or items designed as a delivery system for any of the aforementioned substances (i.e. vape pens, electronic cigarettes, or other such items) are in violation of Board Policy. Drug Free Campus

9 Bullying will not be tolerated in the Lewis-Palmer Schools
Bullying will not be tolerated in the Lewis-Palmer Schools. Bullying will be treated as a disciplinary matter and handled accordingly. Bullying activities MAY also result in one or more of the following… Mandatory attendance at meetings during or after school hours Detention Suspension A recommendation for expulsion Notification of policing authorities LPSD considers bullying to include sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful messages, instant messages, text messages, digital picture or images, or website postings (including blogs) regarding fellow students and staff. Electronic devices may be confiscated and content viewed by PRHS administration with reasonable suspicion. Bullying

10 Free Hours Free Range Bears
If you are on campus during a free hour, you must be in upper commons. You may access your electronic devices only in the upper commons at this time. You may not roam the building or visit teachers during this time without prior approval. Free Range Bears are assigned to the booths and tables by the front entrance and the Ridge area. Please sign in with the campus supervisor in the office for attendance. If you would rather be in a regular study hall, see your counselor or Assistant Principal.

11 Food and Drink Hall Passes
No food and/or drink are allowed on any of the carpeted areas or classrooms in the school. WATER ONLY!!! Please clean up your area in the commons after you have eaten your lunch. We appreciate your help! You must have a pass to be in the hall during class time. You must have a pass with the time and teacher’s name on it to visit the nurse. Roaming without a pass will result in consequences. Students are not allowed to visit other classrooms while in session.

12 Internet and Network Lockers
Students are responsible for the behavior and communication on the internet and district network. Inappropriate use will result in discipline. In order to use the network you must have signed the agreement form. You are responsible for the content of your locker, so don’t share your combination with anyone. Please do not “rig” your locker to open without the combination because then it is available to anyone and makes the concept of a locker pointless.

13 ID’s Restricted Campus
All PRHS students MUST have their student ID’s at all times. You will be required to show your ID when entering the building. This includes all school activities and events. You will also need your school ID to check out items at the library, to make lunch purchases and access the testing center. No students are allowed to leave campus on foot during the school day. Underclassmen (freshmen and sophomore) are restricted to campus at all times unless checked out by a parent or guardian. Upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) may leave campus during lunch if they have a proper ID. Check in and out properly to avoid consequences.

14 Thank you for watching. If you have questions, please ask Administration.
Make it a GREAT year and… GO BEARS!

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