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Research Office Faculty Orientation

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1 Research Office Faculty Orientation
Staci Simonich Associate Vice President for Research Professor, Environmental & Molecular Toxicology and Department of Chemistry Irem Tumer Vice President for Research, Interim Professor, School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

2 Research Office Faculty Orientation
Welcome and Overview Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration Office of Commercialization and Corporate Development (Advantage) Office of Research Integrity Office for Research Development Panel: “From the Trenches – How to create more competitive proposals” Meet and Greet Café Grant Proposals & Management Research Development OSU Advantage Research Compliance OSU Foundation Other Research Support Services on Campus Centers & Institutes and Core Research Facilities Fair (3-6 pm today!)

3 Significance of OSU’s Research Mission
Carnegie Highest Research Activity (R1) standing: 1 of 115 R1 out of 4600 colleges and universities in US 1 of 32 R1 and land-grant designation 1 of 8 R1 and land-grant and no medical school 1 of 2 R1 and land, sea, space, and sun-grant Our role and responsibilities as an R1 and land-grant university: Blending large scale discovery and education Connecting work in our labs and classrooms directly to the people Developing solutions and technologies through both basic and applied research Supporting entrepreneurship and innovation

4 Research Office Mission, Vision and Values
Mission: Partner with faculty, students, and staff in Colleges and Centers & Institutes to ensure that our research investments are sound, our researchers are equipped to advance their field of study, and that our research has impacts in Oregon and beyond. Vision: Research that is integrated in the communities we serve, driven by quest for knowledge, inspire creativity and innovation, renowned for research outcomes that matter. Values: Welcome opposing opinions, invite a diversity of perspectives, advocate for transparency, and create a culture of care and respect.

5 Research Funding

6 FY 18 Funding by Sector

7 FY 18 Funding by Sponsor

8 FY 18 Funding by College

9 Focus on Research Mission in SP 4.0
Further building world-class faculty Expanding and strengthening our research infrastructure Producing the next generation of scholars Growing our signature areas of distinction: Revolutionary Earth Systems Science Leading in Health and Wellness Advancing Economic Prosperity and Social Progress Creating opportunities for undergraduates to participate in our research and discovery mission We are distinctive in research for… Under research goal: Highly collaborative and globally focused research and innovation enterprise Faculty actively engaged in public scholarship and outreach Graduate education that prepares graduates for diverse careers Relevant and enduring partnerships with government, industry and other universities at home and abroad Policies and systems supporting innovation and entrepreneurship Under education goal: Deep integration of research and discovery in the experience for all majors Delivery of innovative curricula by faculty who are recognized for excellence in teaching and research

10 Drop by any time!

11 Office for Sponsored Research and Award Administration
Pat Hawk Assistant Vice President November 16, 2018

12 OSRAA Mission, Vision and Values
Mission: OSRAA builds on the Research Office’s workplan, and achieved through the full “lifecycle” support.  This mission is demonstrated through excellence in customer service and fiduciary stewardship. Vision: OSRAA aligns with OSU’s Strategic Plans by providing seamless support to OSU and faculty engaged in world class research. Values: Respect, Integrity, Openness/Transparency, Courtesy, Grace/forgiveness, Communication, Teamwork, Responsibility OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

13 Areas of OSRAA Responsibility
Proposal Submissions Award Negotiation, Acceptance Award Set-up Outgoing subaward drafting, negotiation and acceptance Award Management (e.g., no-cost extensions) Effort Reporting Cash and Financial Management Sponsored Project Audit Support and Data Submissions OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

14 OSRAA Contact Information Important addresses: Cayuse and proposal-related questions: Questions for all units: Financial reports & invoice correspondence: Subaward invoices: Telephone Number: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

15 Office for Commercialization and Corporate Development
Brian Wall Assistant Vice President Research, Commercialization & Industry Partnerships November 16, 2018

16 Connecting faculty expertise, student talent and world-class facilities with business to research solutions, bring ideas to market and launch companies.

17 Advantage Accelerator Advantage Impact
Transforming innovations into successful startups Advantage Impact Licensing research results & executing research agreements with industry Advantage Corporate Partnerships Creating broad and deep relationships with industry University Venture Development Fund Providing strategic gap investment into research and startups to increase commercialization and societal impact

18 K E Y C O N T A C T S Co-Director
OSU Advantage Accelerator Director Intellectual Property, Licensing and Industry Sponsored Research Assistant Vice President Research, Commercialization & Industry Partnerships Co-Director OSU Advantage Accelerator

19 Office of Research Integrity
Anita Eisenstadt AVP, Office of Research Integrity November 16, 2018

20 ORI Mission, Vision and Values
Mission: ORI partners with the OSU community to ensure research and educational activities are conducted in compliance with legal requirements and ethical principles that preserve the public trust. Vision: ORI seeks to foster a culture of research integrity, promote best practices and facilitate research and teaching activities. Values: Integrity, Respect for People and Animals, Safety, and Accountability OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

21 Areas of ORI Responsibility
Conflict of Interest Human Research Protection Program and Institutional Review Board Export Controls and International Compliance Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Research Misconduct Scientific Boating Scientific Diving Unmanned Systems Initiative OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY

22 Office of Research Integrity Org Chart
Interim VP for Research HRPP & IRB Lisa Leventhal Administrator Cathleen Gal Ramee Kelly Jillian Coleman Saritha Suram Tiffany Andrews Diving-Boating Safety Kevin Buch Officer Taylor Eaton APO & IACUC Robert Gaebel Interim Admin Vince Politino Coordinator Vacancy Conflict of Interest Rebecca Henry Export Controls, UAVs, and Classified Research Mark Peters Anita Eisenstadt Asst VP for Research Office of Research Integrity OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY


24 Office for Research Development
Susan Emerson Research Development Associate November 16, 2018


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