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Entrepreneurship & Regional Connections

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship & Regional Connections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship & Regional Connections

2 WRR Report on a Learning Economy
“Most impact on Innovation and Regional Development expected from Universities of Applied Sciences”

3 From a teaching to a learning community
Professional Practice Contributions to Society Increased integration of practice into education & research Learning outcomes AND project results Students learn; teachers learn; professionals learn 21st Century Education Applied Research Innovation Labs

4 Strategic plan Hanze University of Applied Sciences
“In 2020, every student will contribute – at least once – a semester to an Innovation Lab” This means that each semester students will share their talent with the region the region.

5 3 pillars fof MvO CvO Entrepreneurship Applied Research
Education & Support Applied Research Valorisation

6 Entrepreneurship Education & Support

7 Regional innovation agenda set by Northern Innovation Agenda (NIA)
Northern Netherlands, where a healthy life and sustainable production come together in an attractive environment! Vital SMEs N-NL Solutions Societal Challenges Energy Transition Healthy Ageing HTSM Water Innovation ecosystem Human Capital, internationalisation, digitisation

8 Research scope MvO CvO

9 Research focus MvO CvO

10 Lectoraten Professorships of Applied Sciences
Hugo Velthuijsen, New Business & IT / School of Communication, Media & IT Hilbrand Oldenhuis, Personalised Digital Health / School of Communication, Media & IT Nick Degens, User Centered Design / School of Communication, Media & IT Diederich Bakker, International Business / International Business School Karel Jan Alsem, Marketing & Entrepreneurship / School of Marketing Management Alexander Grit, Entrepreneurship in Transition / School of Marketing Management / Alfa College Margreet Boersma, Sustainable Financial Management / School of Financial and Economic Management Willem Foorthuis, Sustainable Cooperative Entrepreneurship / School of Financial and Economic Management Gert Walhof, Procurement / School of Facility Management Harm van Lieshout, Human Capital / School of Law Petra Oden, Legal aspects of the Labour Market / School of Law Jac Christis, Organisation & Productivity / School of Business Management Leni Beukema, Sustainable HRM / School of Business Management Louis Polstra, Labour participation / School of Social Studies

11 Applied Research vs Regional Development Organising valorisation
Academic Research Industry Applied Research Regional Development TRL 1 TRL 2 TRL 3 TRL 4 TRL 5 TRL 6 TRL 7 TRL 8 TRL 9 Basic principles observed and reported Technology concept and/or application ofmulated Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic Proof of Concept Component and/or validation in laboratory environment Component and/or validation in relevant environment System model or prototype demonstration in relevant environment System prototype demonstration in an operational environment Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration Actual system proven through successful operations

12 Innovation ecosystem – together with 100s of partners
Research & Development Lifelong Learning Education Research Universities Concepts Innovation Hubs Universities of Applied Sciences Concepts & Plans Implementation Hubs Vocational Education Implementation & Upscaling

13 Connecting regionally

14 Global top 5 higher education institutions in the categories:
Applied Research Spin Offs Regional Engagement Joint Publications 2017

15 Contact dr Hugo Velthuijsen
Director Marian van Os Centre of Entrepreneurship Professor New Business & IT

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