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Literature and Background

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1 Literature and Background
Extending the Olive Branch: How Empowerment and Resiliency Create Sustainability for Calgary’s Homeless Olivia Cullen, Emily Gunn, Kelsi Babin, Thornton Tibbals, Yolanda Weltzin, & Sarah Tkaczuk University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work Research Focus In this study, we wanted to learn about empowerment, resiliency, and sustainability as experienced by persons who identify with the homeless population. With stigma and stereotypes surrounding homelessness, we were interested in people’s experiences of empowerment, resiliency, and sustainability and the factors that contribute to creating a vibrant and healthy community. Literature and Background In January of 2014, the Calgary Homeless Foundation estimated over 3,555 people experienced homelessness in Calgary1 Individuals experiencing homelessness often deal with public stigma (e.g., lazy, addict, or unwilling to work), and often internalize this stigma2 In Calgary an estimated 60% of the homeless population are employed in some capacity5 or expressed the desire to work4, contradicting the highly prevalent stereotypes of homelessness Stigma and stereotypes may create barriers to accessing supports, influencing the overall well-being of individuals6 Positive connections and support with family, friends, and community enhance resiliency, specifically in marginalized populations3 Frontline service providers in Calgary acknowledge the isolation of the homeless population by society and attempt to create supportive connections: “they feel a lot more alone” and “we become people’s families” Findings Our themes and findings come from the stories of two individuals, who are working towards sustainable well-being. They have shared their stories of empowerment and resiliency through their experiences with homelessness and their current goals Some prominent themes that emerged from these interviews were: education, creating connections, reciprocity, acceptance and learning from experiences The following excerpts from these conversations exemplify the themes listed: “If you were to extend that olive branch, I would expect you to expect me to extend it back” “We’re constantly building something up and tearing it down, at least in my life, right. I'm always recovering, so I'm building up a house of cards; tearing it down and then re-building it” “Most cases when you go to these programs it’s like you're wearing an orange jacket and you're on the receiving end. Here, [at the University] it’s not like that … you're like anybody else. They don't know if you have problems wherever you live, you know, like that makes me feel great” “To not be looked at or dealt with in a fashion of homelessness. It’s not on the person’s mind, on the teacher’s mind, so that gives you an even playing field” “We create our own chaos and then we learn to survive the chaos, and then that creates the resiliency” “Being a part of society…a decent human being that gives back to society, that pays his taxes. I never felt more like that than I did today, or yesterday, or the day before, or when I started this [program] because I was looked at like an equal, there was no stigma”  Concluding Thoughts For these individuals, sustainability, rather than being an isolated experience, is a long-term goal resulting from overcoming stigma and living life outside of recovery, problems, and homelessness “What is it we like to do with our lives? Spiritual, leisure activities, climbing, hiking in the mountains, or what have you. You have to have a purpose with your life outside of the [negative] things” Through experiences of empowerment and resiliency these individuals expressed ways in which they are overcoming stigma and stereotypes. In turn, participants acknowledge that education, creating connection, reciprocity, acceptance, and learning from experiences promoted sustainable well-being, which enables them to move forward and reach personal goals Acknowledgements A special thank you to Jack and Joe for extending the olive branch to us and making this project all the more meaningful. We hope to honor their stories and pass along the olive branch in the future. Thank you to our advisors, Dr. Dorothy Badry and Adam Melnyk, for all the support and direction. Research Question How do the concepts of empowerment and resiliency relate to the understanding of homelessness in the face of public and internalized stigma? References 1.Calgary Homeless Foundation. (2014). Point-in-time count report. Retrieved from 2.Corrigan, P. W. (2004). How stigma interferes with mental health care. American Psychologist, 59(7), 614–625. 3.Dale, A., & Newman, L. (2006). Sustainable community development, networks and resilience. Environments Journal, 34(2), 17 4.Davis-Berman, J. (2011). Older men in the homeless shelter: In-depth conversation lead to practice implications. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 54(5). 5.Jones, E. M., Shier, L. M., & Graham, R. J. (2011). Intimate relationships as routes into and out of homelessness: Insights from a Canadian city. Cambridge University Press, 41(1),  doi: /S 6.Shier, L. M., Jones, E. M., & Graham, R. J. (2010). Perspectives of employed people experiencing homelessness of self and being homeless: Challenging socially constructed perceptions and stereotypes. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 37(4),13-37. Research Methods Qualitative methodological approach with thematic analysis of interview transcripts In-depth, semi-structured interviews with two individuals who have experienced homelessness as well as front line staff working with the homeless population

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