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EQ: What type of government and economic system do the countries of China, India, North Korea, and Japan have?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: What type of government and economic system do the countries of China, India, North Korea, and Japan have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: What type of government and economic system do the countries of China, India, North Korea, and Japan have?

2 Problems governments still face
Country Type of government Rights of citizens Problems governments still face India China North Korea Japan

3 India China North Korea Japan Country Type of Economy
Choices Consumers (buyers) have Problems with the economy today India China North Korea Japan

4 India China North Korea Japan *Communist *Has a president & premier
Country Type of government Rights of citizens Governments Today India China North Korea Japan Federal Democratic Republic Power is divided between Central and Local governments Prime Minister is leader *Citizens elect leaders to make decisions for them *Very poor country *Low literacy rate *Over population *Communist *Has a president & premier *Citizens can vote but government still has a lot of control *Can own your own business *Overpopulation *Pollution Too much government control *Communist *Has a dictator *Very little *Citizens CAN’T vote *POOR country *Low literacy rate *Not a modern country Constitutional Monarchy, Emperor does not have power, Legislative is called the Diet *Limited space because it’s an island *Overpopulation Citizens can vote Have the same rights we do in USA

5 Choices Consumers have
Country Type of Economy Choices Consumers have The Economy today India China North Korea Japan -Mixed, mostly Market Can buy anything Business ownership 60% literacy rate Poor country Polluted Mixed, mostly command *Citizens can own business *Open to trade with foreign countries *Pollution *Government has control over people *Over populated *Weak economy *Produces Uranium/nuclear weapons Command *None Mixed, mostly market *Own businesses *Buy anything they want *Lots of technology *Rely on imported goods and foods *Strong work ethic

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