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Eurostat – Unit E2 Veronika Vyšná

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1 Eurostat – Unit E2 Veronika Vyšná
Knowledge Innovation Project on an Integrated System of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Accounting (KIP INCA) Eurostat – Unit E2 Veronika Vyšná Eurostat working group on forestry statistics and accounts Meeting of 20 – 21 February 2018, Luxembourg Item 6 of the agenda

2 Ecosystem accounting In 2012, SEEA Central Framework adopted as an international accounting standard → in 2014, its scope expanded for ecosystems and their services by SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting; Ecosystem accounting – rapidly developing field with many initiatives at international and national levels (WAVES, TEEB, etc.) Focuses on individual resources (e.g. water, timber) and the recording of their stocks and flows Focuses on ecosystems (e.g. forest, wetland) as suppliers of services and their capacity to provide them

3 Components of ecosystem accounting

4 Project KIP INCA Knowledge Innovation Project on an Integrated System of Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Accounting Integrates existing georeferenced EU-level data and MS reporting exercises to design a system of natural capital accounting; Identifies data gaps and needs for adjustment; Tests and advances international environmental accounting guidelines (SEEA EEA); KIP-INCA partners: DG ENV, DG RTD, DG JRC, EEA, ESTAT.

5 Summary of KIP INCA work
Public outputs Ecosystem extent Ecosystem condition Outdoor recreation Water purification Pollination 2015 – 2017 Carbon sequestration Habitat maintenance Provisioning of crops, timber and fish 2018 Erosion control Flood protection Air filtration 2019 continued continued

6 Which ecosystems are expanding and where do changes take place?
Example I: Which ecosystems are expanding and where do changes take place? Ecosystem extent map 2010 Mean change in ecosystem extent per type in 2000 – 2010 Source: EEA and JRC,

7 Mapping of the potential supply of ecosystem services
Example II: Mapping of the potential supply of ecosystem services Air filtration by urban trees (NO2 Removal) Forest growing stocks Source: JRC,

8 Example III: Source: UNEP-WCMC,

9 Values of ecosystem services under different scenarios
Example IV: What are the trade-offs between ecosystem services? Hotspots of competition among ecosystem services Values of ecosystem services under different scenarios Australian National University,

10 Additional support measures to KIP INCA in Member States
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their services (MAES) Horizon 2020 topic dedicated to NCA (RTD) – new work programme (2018 – 2020) ESTAT grants on natural capital accounting for NSIs and ONAs euro in 2017; 7 MS received funding; call to be repeated in 2018 New ESTAT ESTP course on NCA June 12 – 14, 2018 in London (deadline for application April 13)

11 Questions for the Working Group
You are welcome to get in touch with your national MAES coordinator to follow/engage in developments in ecosystem accounting in your country You are welcome to participate in KIP INCA workshops We invite your NSI to apply for Eurostat grant on ecosystem accounting We invite you to provide feedback or share your ideas with us & ) Thank you!

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