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Key Messages.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Messages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Messages

2 PURPOSE These key messages help us:
succinctly describe the breadth and diversity of literacy council activities demonstrate what makes us stand out from other agencies in the field present a shared definition of the literacy council’s work

3 AUDIENCE VISTAs or volunteers Donors or community partners
These key messages are intended for a general audience. You might use these with... VISTAs or volunteers Donors or community partners Friends or family Anyone who’s curious about your work

4 USING THESE MESSAGES INTERNALIZE OUR MESSAGES Take time to get to know these five points well enough so you can communicate their essence. Don’t recite them directly or label them as our key messages. POINT OF VIEW Use a tone that reflects the messages: Positive, guiding, confident, supportive and visionary.

5 We are a comprehensive literacy resource.

6 We make education accessible.

7 We are a leader in literacy strategies.

8 We encourage “teaching it forward.”

9 We don’t just educate, we advocate.

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