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December News! Learning Focus Important Dates Reminders Reading Math

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1 December News! Learning Focus Important Dates Reminders Reading Math
This month is a very exciting time in Kindergarten with all of the holidays approaching! We will be reading lots of different versions of The Gingerbread Man, making our Reindeer sweatshirts, watching a performance of the Nutcracker, having our Polar Express Day, and celebrating the start of Winter Break with our Christmas Celebration! Please see below to read more information about these exciting events! Important Dates Dec. 6 – Nutcracker Performance Dec. 6 – Winter Celebration 5-7 Dec. 7 – Scholastic Book Orders Due Dec. 11 –End of 1st Quarter Dec. 14 – Polar Express Day Dec. 14 – Sock It to Cancer Fundraiser ($1 to participate) Dec. 20 – Christmas Celebration Dec. 24 – Jan. 1:No School (Winter Break) Reminders We will be making our Reindeer Sweatshirts on December 6th. If you said you were providing your own sweatshirt, please bring them in on Monday, December 3rd. Polar Express Day: All week we will be reading and learning about The Polar Express. That Friday, December 14th, we will watch the movie and enjoy hot cocoa! Students are allowed to wear pajamas for this. PLEASE wear regular shoes to school. We will be going outside for recess. Dec. 14th is also the Sock It To Cancer Fundraiser. Students can wear their favorite holiday or crazy socks for a $1 donation. Money can be accepted Dec 3 – Dec. 14th. Please have the dollar in a clearly labeled bag or envelope. Thank you. Our Christmas Celebration will be on Thursday, the 20th. More information will be coming home later this month. Winter Break: December 24th – January 1st. January 2nd is now a school day for all students. Learning Focus Reading Recognizing beginning and ending sounds Responding to text by asking and answering questions Learning strategies to help us become better readers Math Counting by 1s and 10s to 50 Writing numbers 1-10 Recognizing numbers 1-20 Identifying and comparing 2D and 3D Shapes Writing Use a combination of drawings, labels, and text to compose narrative and informational texts Science/social studies The Gingerbread Man The Polar Express Reindeer

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