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Team Charter Project Name: Executive Sponsor: Project Purpose:

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1 Team Charter Project Name: Executive Sponsor: Project Purpose:
Project Sponsor: In Scope: Stakeholders: Out of Scope: Project Team: Design Criteria: Deliverables: Project Phases Activities Timeline Define Diagnose Design Deliver Measurable Success & Quantifiable Metrics:

2 Instructions Project Name: Name of project to include the name of the department and section that the design is impacting Executive Sponsor: Highest level individual championing for the change Project Sponsor: Person who will guide the team to success ensuring analysis and/or design are complete Stakeholders: Individuals who are impacted by analysis or re-design Project Team: Individuals who are ensuring complete information is provided for the analysis and re-design Project Purpose: The driving reason for the analysis and potential re-design. Why was the effort initiated and what will be affected by the outcome? In-scope: What elements will be in scope for the purposes of improving team performance? Out of scope: What elements should not be touched for the purposes of improving team performance? Design Criteria: Describes what the organization needs to do or be Deliverables: What are the outputs or outcomes of the initiative? Activities: What are the key milestones that the team needs to achieve to complete the analysis and/or re-design? Timeline: When do the activities need to be completed? Metrics: What do you hope to improve with the change?

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