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Phases of Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases of Matter

2 Solids: Phases of Matter particles: tightly packed in orderly pattern
particles can’t move very much vibrate back & forth

3 Gases: particles: far apart move rapidly from place to place

4 Liquids: in between solids & gases particles have more movement than
solids but still close together

5 Why do liquids & solids exist?
What holds them together?

6 Kinetic Energy atoms & molecules in constant motion
temperature = measure average KE of particles in sample of matter

7 if temperature ↑, the average KE↑ if temperature , then average KE 

8 Temperature vs. Phase gas & solid at same temp have same average KE but particles in these 2 phases move very differently

9 Types of motion gas particles can move from place to place
they can tumble they can shake

10 Solids: particles can only vibrate
in a back and forth motion

11 liquid particles can vibrate but have very hindered movement moving place to place or tumbling
particles can move a little bit but bump into neighbors

12 What is a phase change? a transition between phases there are 6
can you name them?

13 1. solidification l → s 2. melting s → l 3. vaporation l → g 4. condensation g → l 5. sublimation s → g 6. deposition g → s

14 solidification (freezing)
liquid → solid melting solid → liquid

15 vaporization (boiling) liquid → gas

16 deposition gas → solid sublimation solid → gas

17 condensation gas → liquid

18 freezing (solidification) liquid → solid
sublimation gas → solid

19 Phase Changes When substance goes from gas to condensed phase (s or l), what happens? particles get closer together and their motion slows down

20 Phase Changes When substance goes from solid to liquid or gas, what happens? particles move farther apart and their motion increases

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