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SINC@HE Theory of Change 18 June 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "SINC@HE Theory of Change 18 June 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 SINC@HE Theory of Change
18 June 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece

2 Overall goal Improve social capital of Montenegro through better support and better learning outcomes.

3 Theory of change 1 Establishment of SAO and related procedures will lead to increase in exercising rights on higher education of SWD; Expected outcomes: Increased number of SWD at higher education institutions in Montenegro; Objectives/goals: to raise awareness of SWD regarding SAO role in protecting their rights; Activities: Design and implement an awareness rising program; Outputs: Awareness rising program; Outcomes: Increased awareness of protection mechanisms; Indicators: Students’ reporting that their rights have(not) been respected; Means of verification: student reports, surveys;

4 Theory of change 2 Theory of change: Increased accessibility to building and lectures will lead to higher SWD’s satisfaction; Expected outcomes: Increased satisfaction of SWD at higher education institutions in Montenegro; Objectives/goals: to raise level of satisfaction of SWD regarding at HEIs in Montenegro; Activities: Design and implement an accessibility features such as building facilities and accessible teaching materials and etc.; Outputs: Accessible building features and teaching materials; Outcomes: Increased SWD satisfaction and higher rate of graduated SWD; Indicators: Students’ reporting their satisfaction has(not) increased; Means of verification: student reports, surveys;

5 Theory of change 3 Theory of change: Enhanced pre-entry support will lead to a higher enrolment rate of SWD; Expected outcomes: Increased enrolment rate of SWD at higher education institutions in Montenegro; Objectives/goals: to raise level of SWD at HEIs in Montenegro; Activities: Design and implement pre-entry support for SWD; Outputs: Pre-entry support; Outcomes: Increased number SWD at HEIs in Montenegro; Indicators: Number of SWD at HEIs in Montenegro;

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