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Team # Member1, Member2 Assistant

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Presentation on theme: "Team # Member1, Member2 Assistant"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team # Member1, Member2 Assistant
Title of the Project Team # Member1, Member2 Assistant Follow instructions on this slide. Remember the color instructions of HCI if you want to use a background; Keep it simple and straightforward, concentrate on the message of your product! The idea is to inform your fellow students what you are doing. This should not be a lecture of 45 min. A presentation is scheduled for min. The discussion that follows is regarded important and time for that should be sufficient. This template is meant as a guideline, you can vary with the layout and content as long as the basic idea (structure) stands.

2 Contents Introduction Product Plan User Analysis Design
Working Schedule Conclusions This is the preferred sequence; If another better fits your work, use that while including these subjects. Max # slides 14, incl. Title and Contents 1 Slide 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

3 Introduction Cf. notes 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018
What is the aim of the product you are developing What is the RESEARCH question you have posed What are critical issues in the development What are the HCI aspect you are trying to improve What is the innovation and relation to similar products Maximal 1 slide with this subject 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

4 Product Plan Cf. notes 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018
What is the approach you have chosen for your application How will you come to a final product and what goals have you imposed in the project plan. How will you cope with expected difficulties What development platform have you chosen initially. If you have pictorial examples of similar products of the situation in which your product will be applied use these. Use graphical/Picture material to support your presentation Maximal 2 slides with this subject 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

5 User Analysis CF. Notes 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018
Identify the user group that you are addressing with your product Motivate why you have chosen this user group Give a broad analysis of the uses with respect to your application Interviews and detailed analysis; Applied? Results ? What would users expect from your development What is the innovation they are confronted with What is the motivation for a user to work with your product. Test users, how are you incorporating them in the development Any material that gives listeners better insight can be used. Maximal 2 slides with this subject 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

6 Design Cf. Notes 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018
Here you elaborate the product plan and project plan with the user analysis. What is the interaction paradigm that you have chosen Why What is the development platform that best fits your application after users analysis Present some idea on screen layout if appropriate Present some idea/data on interface layout and choices you have made Emphasize the typical HCI issues in your design Where would you expect problems First Prototype? Use graphical support where appropriate! Maximal 2 slides with this subject!!! 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

7 Working Schedule Cf. Notes 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018
Explain how you are doing the project Use the results/insights form paper design to re-make your initial schedule Explain why this approach is chosen and useful When do plan user-involvement via Usability /Evaluations How will you use the evaluation data What kind of evaluations have you planned How many prototypes have you planned for the final product What is testing procedure and relations to users and evaluations What is the involvement of the team members; what are the specific tasks. Maximal 2 slides with this subject 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

8 Conclusions-Preliminary Results
What have you got so far, results if appropriate What have you learned Does it affect your approach in the remaining project time Questions/Points you want to raise for discussion (separate additional slide) 1 Slide 2/16/2019 Team #, HCI&InfoViz 2018

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