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Discuss CQC and paragraph expectations Begin to craft body paragraphs

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1 Discuss CQC and paragraph expectations Begin to craft body paragraphs
Pre AP – September 4, 2018 DO NOW: Pick up a handout AGENDA: Discuss CQC and paragraph expectations Begin to craft body paragraphs

2 C – Claim/Context C A (Claim – introduce the argument of the paragraph. The argument needs to support the position statement (thesis). Always include title and author here). In his revolutionary novel, 1984, George Orwell illustrates the dangers of giving away personal freedoms through his depiction of technology in the novel. C B (Context – Set up your quote! Provide a framework for the reader. Explain the WHO (is speaking), WHAT (is happening), WHEN (in the story is it being said), and WHY (is the person saying it) of your quote! Immediately, in the first chapter of his book (when), Orwell introduces a dystopian government known as “The Party,” and the head of The Party is “Big Brother.” The party uses various forms of technology to monitor its citizens in order to ensure that they are loyal to Big Brother (what). Winston, the protagonist, (who) describes how Big Brother is always watching through “telescreens” (television-like devices) which monitor the actions, and even the facial expressions of the people (why). He notes, COMMA! NOT PERIOD!

3 Q - Quote Quote: Your quote must ELABORATE UPON, or ADD TO your discussion. It should NOT repeat what you’ve already said. Orwell illustrates the dangers of giving away personal freedoms through his depiction of technology in the novel…..The party uses various forms of technology to monitor its citizens in order to ensure that they are loyal to Big Brother… He notes, “The instrument (the telescreen, it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely” (Orwell 4). "to wear an improper expression on your face was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called” (Orwell 62). Elaborates! Repeats!

4 C- Comment Comment – This is your explanation of how the quote you chose actually shows what you said it would! Spell it out! Tell the reader how it achieves the purpose you said it would in your claim! Here, Orwell presents an extreme example of how a government can punish people for little more than a furrowed brow, or roll of the eyes. Although little modern technology actually existed when Orwell wrote this book, he clearly understood the potential dangers it could represent if put into the hands of the wrong people. "to wear an improper expression on your face was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called” (Orwell 62). Everything must tie back to the claim… Orwell illustrates the dangers of giving away personal freedoms through his depiction of technology in the novel…..The party uses various forms of technology to monitor its citizens in order to ensure that they are loyal to Big Brother

5 (Transition to my next example, which occurs at the end of the book)
Transitions… Purpose of 1st transition: You have more than one example in each paragraph Therefore, you need to be able to transition smoothly between your first and second examples. Later in the novel, Orwell shows the reader exactly how giving the government too much personal information could lead to one’s downfall. (Transition to my next example, which occurs at the end of the book)

6 Transitions Continued…
Purpose of 2nd transition: You have more than one source to support your position statement. Therefore, you need to be able to transition smoothly between your first, second, and third sources. Orwell paints a vivid picture of how the government can abuse its citizens if those citizens relinquish too much of their personal privacy – a lesson that 21st century thinkers are now starting to learn. (Transition to my next source – the articles)

7 Assignment: Pick up a laptop Open your Position Statement Document
Priority #1: Complete your position statement. Priority #2: Pull all supporting evidence from 1984, two articles, and an image. Priority #3: Write your first body paragraph using CQC format. Body # 1 (1984 paragraph) due Monday, September 10th. Tomorrow! You will have class time to work on the Socratic Seminar questions. If you’re done with the questions, you can continue to work on the CQC body paragraph.

8 English III – September 4, 2018
DO NOW: Turn in your Summer Reading Questions to the Orange Tray Turn in your Figurative Language CQC paragraphs to the Green Tray AGENDA: Test Review! Pick up a laptop, go to my website, complete the review. 5 points extra credit on the test tomorrow if you hand in a COMPLETED review! Send it to me via Google Docs before 3rd period tomorrow! Tomorrow: Test on the Puritans

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