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Year 2 Parent Information Meeting

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1 Year 2 Parent Information Meeting

2 Welcome to the World of Year 2
The aim of this meeting is to give you an insight into the organisation and expectations of Year 2 and to give you an idea of the curriculum that we cover.

3 Meet the Team Mrs Reimus - Class teacher
Mrs Chisholm – Teaching Assistant Ms Walsh - PPA cover Ms O’Connor - PPA cover

4 Expect your child to work hard, have fun and learn lots!
Year 2 is a very important year in your child’s education as it’s the year they develop independence in their learning and acquire self-confidence. It’s also the year that they are assessed in reading, writing, science and maths.  Expect your child to work hard, have fun and learn lots!

5 General Expectations to Enable Effective Learning
Parents can make a real difference to a child’s learning; you are crucial to their education. There is a wealth of evidence that shows that children do better when: - There is a close working partnership between the home and school - Parents show a keen interest in their child’s education and learning Learning is made a part of everyday life by the school and parents Children are actively involved in making decisions about their own learning

6 The Curriculum We use a mixture of resources and schemes to enhance the curriculum and the children’s learning. We plan for the needs of the individual child and differentiate in the classroom whenever appropriate. Higher expectations Depth and breadth. Cross Curricular links Assessing without levels – Working towards expected standard, Working at expected standard, Working in greater depth within expected standard.

7 Year 2 Subjects Religious Education English Maths Science Computing
Physical Education Topic (History & Geography, Design & Technology, Art) Music PSHE

8 English Power of Reading - Spelling Reading Comprehension Writing
Grammar Handwriting – key aspect to get ‘Expected’ Speaking and listening BIG write

9 Writing Becoming independent writers and experience many forms of writing, both fiction and non-fiction e.g. Recounts, newspaper reports Non Chronological Reports Creative story writing Letter writing Persuasive Writing, speeches Instructions Poems Invitations Book Reviews

10 Reading Home readers – read at home daily. Books will be changed once per week. Children’s books must be in school everyday. Guided reading – small group reading with teacher and teaching assistant of an unseen text. Comprehension – questioning When the teacher assesses that the level has been achieved the child will progress to the next level. We must emphasise the importance of not comparing the books your child is reading with other children in the class. Each child is an individual and will have a different level of reading, understanding and reading experience.

11 Comprehension Vocabulary – e.g ‘What does the word ….mean in this sentence?’ Infer – ‘Why was ….. feeling sad?’ Predict – ‘What do you think will happen next?’ Explain – ‘Who was your favourite character and why?’ Retrieve – ‘When did….happen?’ Sequence – ‘What happened after…?’

12 Spelling High Frequency words Common exception words Topic words
National Curriculum word list Numbers to 1000 The children will be given a spelling test each Friday including words from the word pattern of that week.

13 How you can help at home…
Read to your child. Listen to your child read. Comment to let us know how your child is getting along. Homework completed using correct handwriting (as independently as possible). Spellings – Look, cover, write, check. Encourage reading for pleasure

14 Maths – Maths No Problem Mental Maths and Time Tables
Based on the number objectives. Quick recall. Practise objectives daily. Mental Maths tests carried out weekly.

15 How you can help at home…
Talk about Maths – give your child opportunities to reason and explain why in relation to number problems. My Maths Writing the numerals/number formation and spelling of number names. Get children into habit of telling the time and knowing the time events happen throughout day. Discuss important dates; make days of the week/month of year charts. Applying maths into everyday life (paying in the shops, baking etc)

16 Science Snap Science Topics for this year Our Changing World
What is in your habitat? The Apprentice Gardener Materials: Good Choices Materials: Shaping up Take care Growing up

17 Homework Homework is compulsory in Year 2.
Wednesday - Home Learning due in Friday – Home Learning given out Spellings - Every week Reading - Daily Literacy – Every week Maths – Every week / My Maths online Topic – Fortnightly/half termly

18 Important Days Monday – Library Time Wednesday – P.E Thursday – Music
Friday – P.E/Swimming Summer term Friday - spelling test

19 Assessment Each half term and where appropriate the children are assessed in Religious Education, Mathematics, Reading and Writing to check on the progress they have made. As well as the above the children have on going teacher assessment in all areas of the curriculum.

20 Rewards and Recognition
We believe in recognising effort and achievement and we do this in many ways. Shooting star = stickers Achievement Assembly – Roll of Honour Star of the week – Barnaby Bear Golden Time House points Work of the week - Merit

21 SANCTIONS  Warnings Time out Time out of class Sent to Ms O’Connor
Sent to Miss Howard Sent to Mrs Lavelle-Murphy Miss play time

22 Organisation Uniform – Trips this term –
Fruit & Milk – In year 2, children are given free fruit at break times, however if you wish your child to have milk, you will need to order it online via parentpay.

23 Curriculum Map – Autumn Term
Please take a copy with you

24 If in doubt…come and see me! 
Grab me on the door if it’s a quick! Call the office to arrange a meeting.

25 Thank You We look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your child has an enjoyable and successful year in Year 2. Any questions?

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