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CHEMISTRY 2 REVISION Periodic Table, Chemical Reaction Rate, Fuels, Atmosphere, Earth Science, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Ion Tests, Nanoparticles …

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY 2 REVISION Periodic Table, Chemical Reaction Rate, Fuels, Atmosphere, Earth Science, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Ion Tests, Nanoparticles …"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMISTRY 2 REVISION Periodic Table, Chemical Reaction Rate, Fuels, Atmosphere, Earth Science, Hydrocarbons, Polymers, Ion Tests, Nanoparticles …

2 1: In the Periodic Table, group 1 elements all…
1) have 1 proton in the atom 2) have 1 neutron in the atom 3) have 1 electron in the inner shell or orbit 4) have 1 electron in the outer shell or orbit.

3 2) Group 7 elements (halogens) ….
1) are the least reactive elements in the PT. 2) increase in reactivity going down the group 3) decrease in reactivity going down the group 4) are all equally, highly reactive. 7

4 3) Hot iron wool placed in chlorine gas will produce …
1) Iron Fluoride 2) Iron Chloride 3) Iron Bromide 4) Iron Iodide

5 4) In a displacement reaction a more reactive halogen replaces a less reactive one. So … Chlorine + Sodium Bromide  ……………….. 1) Chlorine + Sodium Iodide 2) Bromine + Sodium Bromide 3) Bromine + Sodium Chloride 4) Sodium + Chlorine Bromide 7

6 5) The Group 0 elements are the noble gases on Earth because …
1) they have low boiling points 2) they have high boiling points 3) they have high melting points 4) they only exist as gases.

7 6) A property of the noble gases is that …
1) they are highly reactive 2) they only exist as gases 3) they are very unreactive 4) they are explosive when shaken.

8 7) HCl and CaCO3 are reacted together in 2 experiments. CO2 is produced. The experiment shown in red was performed with … 1) brighter conditions in the lab 2) less quantity of CaCO3 3) warmer acid 4) brand new apparatus.

9 8) The slower reaction (production of CO2) is due to there being…
1) brighter conditions in the lab 2) fewer molecule collisions per second 3) warmer acid 4) brand new apparatus.

10 9) Mg is added to HCl. The weight then decreases every second because …
1) CO2 gas is produced and escapes from the flask 2) more Mg is produced which is a light metal 3) O2 gas is made and escapes from the flask 4) H2 gas is made and escapes from the flask. 25.76

11 10) HCl molecules (red) are reacting with Mg (blue)
10) HCl molecules (red) are reacting with Mg (blue). The faster reaction is …. because….. 1) A , the Mg atoms are more compact 2) A, the acid molecules form a ring around the Mg 3) B, there is more Mg surface area to react with 4) B, there is less Mg surface area to react with.

12 11) 4 factors that effect reaction rate are ..
1) time of day, pressure, temperature, concentration 2) pressure, concentration, colour time of day 3) surface area, pressure, colour, temperature 4) surface area, pressure, concentration, temperature

13 12) A catalyst is a chemical which …
1) can stop a chemical reaction 2) slows down a chemical reaction without being used up itself 3) speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up 4) makes all chemical reactions produce CO2.

14 13) An exothermic reaction …
1) releases heat 2) absorbs heat 3) stays the same temperature 4) explodes.

15 14) The formula for the hydrocarbon butane is ..
1) C4H12 2) C5H10 3) C4H10 4) C2H8

16 15) An oil fractionating column separates the different hydrocarbons in oil depending on their..
1) size and boiling point 2) colour and usefulness 3) value and colour 4) size and melting point.

17 16) Incomplete combustion is dangerous because …
1) Carbon monoxide is produced 2) Carbon dioxide is produced 3) Water is produced 4) heat energy is released.

18 17) The Earth’s first early atmosphere was made by ..
1) plants 2) comets 3) oceans 4) volcanoes

19 18) Oxygen gradually built up in the atmosphere due to …
1) Collisions by comets with Earth 2) photosynthesis by ancient bacteria 3) humans manufactured it in chemical factories 4) change in the movement of the tectonic plates.

20 19) Today the atmosphere is warming up due to the build up of ..
1) ozone 2) plastic in the oceans 3) more intense sunlight 4) CO2 produced by human activity.

21 20) In fermentation, enzymes in yeast turn …. into …… and ……
1) alcohol  CO2 and glucose sugar 2) CO2  glucose sugar and alcohol 3) glucose sugar  alcohol and CO2 4) water  alcohol and oxygen.

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