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Power of States.

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1 Power of States

2 Unit Intro Questions What is the most powerful state/nation in the world today? What are the reasons why they are so powerful? Have they always been this powerful? List some powerful states/nations/empires of the past. Is it possible for a single nation to become too powerful? If so, what can be done to prevent it from getting too powerful?

3 Concepts State: the collection of institutions which make up a country. Sovereignty: the authority a state possesses. International organization: an association of nations with a specific objective. Example: UN, OPEC, NATO.


5 What are the attributes of a State?
Territory Population (holding nationality of the State) Government (that can exercise authority and power over its territory)

6 What are the attributes of a State? (continued)
Sovereignty (full and exclusive rights over its territory) International legal status (rights and obligations in the international arena)

7 Why was there an increase in the number of states in the 2nd half of the 20th century?

8 Colonized Africa (1914)

9 Africa today

10 What effect did decolonization have?
What has changed? What effect did decolonization have?

11 The Eastern Bloc

12 Political landscape after fall of USSR
Source: Wikipedia 1: Armenia, 2: Azerbaijan, 3: Belarus, 4: Estonia, 5: Georgia, 6: Kazakhstan, 7: Kyrgyzstan, 8: Latvia, 9: Lithuania, 10: Moldova 12: Tajikistan, 13: Turkmenistan, 14: Ukraine, 15: Uzbekistan

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