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Christianity (Began ABOUT 2000 YEARS AGO)

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity (Began ABOUT 2000 YEARS AGO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity (Began ABOUT 2000 YEARS AGO)

2 Founder Christians base their religion on the teachings of Jesus Christ, who they believe is a messiah (savior) for all people.


4 The Middle East

5 Location/Population

6 Location/Population

7 Began in the Middle East
Location/Population Began in the Middle East Christianity is the world’s most popular religion with 2 billion followers. Christianity is the main religion in Europe and the Americas.

8 GOD Christians believe in one God (they are monotheistic), the god of Abraham.

9 Symbol The Cross Is a symbol of victory over death, promising eternal life

10 The Christian Holy book is called the Bible.
It has 2 parts.

11 Holy Book 1-the Old Testament or the Torah
2- the New Testament about the life and the teachings of Jesus

12 Jesus died for the sins of humankind
Key Beliefs Jesus died for the sins of humankind

13 Life after death in Heaven
Key Beliefs Life after death in Heaven

14 To treat others the way you want to be treated, with love and respect.
Key Beliefs To treat others the way you want to be treated, with love and respect.

15 Worship Services Christians worship in a church.
Their holy day is Sunday. A priest or minister leads the prayer services.

16 PLACE OF WORSHIP Jerusalem is the holiest city because that is where they believe Christ died and rose from the dead.

17 Practices and Rituals Believe in sacraments, or sacred rituals in which Christians receive the Holy Spirit. Two important rituals are Baptism and Communion.

18 Chartres Cathedral, France




22 holidays Holidays are Christmas (birth of Jesus) and Easter (Christ rising from the dead).

23 Other important info. Christians are broken into three groups: Catholics Protestants (Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, etc.) Orthodox

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