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CPIER Business Briefing GCP AGM

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Presentation on theme: "CPIER Business Briefing GCP AGM"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPIER Business Briefing GCP AGM
Dame Kate Barker Chair, CPIEC

2 Summary of review 14 key recommendations, and 13 subsidiary recommendations: Infrastructure Housing Spatial Planning Health and Well-being Early Years, Education and Skills Market Towns Governance

3 Economic Growth The GVA target in the Devolution Deal
Important to keep faith with it. A stretch target. Challenges: Employment rate very high at the moment. Cannot grow without productivity improvements forever!

4 Strong evidence for exceptional employment growth

5 Business Employment Growth outperforming official figures
Industrial strategy – a systems approach needed Complementarity of KI and non-KI sectors

6 Inclusive Growth Clear inequalities in productivity:

7 Growth in GVA per head Source: ONS Regional Account. Note – figures unadjusted for inflation

8 The risk to the economy Base Case modelling – damage caused by housing and infrastructure costs Employment (1000’s) The employment growth rate is our central projection, showing the long term rate returning to the short term rate. The ‘Base case’ assumes housing and infrastructure built as planned. When the costs from housing prices and increased journey times are fed back into the model via business costs, employment starts to fall as businesses move away/reduce their staff

9 Infrastructure Also various utilities recommendations for those who are interested – energy provision, flooding… see the report!

10 Governance C&P – an area where many parties have an interest. There’s a need for all of them to co-operate more fully.

11 Move to implementation
Mayor James Palmer has accepted the fourteen key recommendations A need now for prioritisation A clear spatial and transport plan Central government engagement Fiscal devolution requires strong case and sound proposals Keep focus on well-being of all 


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