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Education - A Basic Human Right. youtube. com/watch

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1 Education - A Basic Human Right. https://www. youtube. com/watch
This will probably take two lessons. Or you can pick and choose activities.

2 Learning goals: To continue investigating the differences in education between HICs and LICs To discuss if Education is a Human Right? NS: Be able to state some differences W2P: To give reasons for differences C&R: Be able to give viewpoints with evidence This will probably take two lessons. Or you can pick and choose activities.

3 3. How does this picture make you feel?
What can you see? At the front? At the back? Main thing? Small things? 2. How do you think the children in the picture feel? 4. What questions would you like to ask these children? What questions would you ask about the place? What are they doing? 3. How does this picture make you feel? Would you like to be one of these children? Why do you feel like this?

4 Why can’t so many children in Africa go to school?
Think and write down reasons why many children in Africa don’t go to school.

5 Why can’t so many children in Africa go to school?
Which of these provides the greatest barrier to accessing education? Diamond rank and justify your choice. I think the most important are …because … Conflict AIDS and HIV Because they are girls Disability Early marriage (as young as 12) Not enough schools Cant afford the school fees Lack of school resources Need to work on farms

6 Diamond Nine

7 Diamond Nine

8 Ammu- 2 pathways? She has two paths open to her – education or no education. What would her life be like if she follows each path? Listen to the paragraph and use drawings and labels to be able to relay this back to a partner. You will be scored out of /5 for your accuracy.

9 Ammu- 2 pathways? Path 1: Path 2:
She has two paths open to her – education or no education. What would her life be like if she follows each path? Listen to the paragraph and use drawings and labels to be able to relay this back to a partner. You will be scored out of /5 for your accuracy. Path 1: If Ammu completes her education she is likely to marry a man with ‘good prospects’ and their children have a better chance of being healthy and staying on at school. Educated mothers tend to bring up healthier families. Through education, Ammu may be able to improve her earning capacity and family wealth – she may even control the household income and expenditure Path 2: If Ammu does not complete her education her life chances will be severely diminished. Being semi-literate, she will be limited to manual labour at minimal rates, and may have to migrate to find work. If she marries an educated man there is less chance of equality in the relationship. He is more likely to control the family's finances.

10 What difference does education make to children's lives?
Read the article from the Guardian about what life can be like for girls in Malawi. Bullet point evidence of the difficulties (barriers) facing girls wanting to go to school in Malawi. Title: The struggle to finish school in Malawi Some of the main reasons why children do not finish school are…. Important statistics (facts ) which highlight this are….. Or: You could make a fact file of barriers facing girls hoping to get a higher education. Include why education is so important for their future.

11 What difference would education make to girl’s life?
–With education No education Any similarities?

12 A Malawi School and Money Worries!
Costs of teachers salaries and educational items in Malawi in Kwacha Chair 150 Desk 300 Pen 6 Pencil 1 Computer 4000 Teacher’s salary 10,000 Text book 2000 Exercise book 100 Blackboard Box of chalks 10 You have £1000 (95,000 Malawian Kwacha) to spend on Sephora’s school. Remember how many pupils there are in a class (90!) What would you spend the money on and why? You need to choose from the list of items. What do they need the most? Why? Justify your choices.

13 Can we achieve primary education for all. https://www. youtube
One of the UN Development Goals states we aim to: “achieve universal primary education” Meaning every child, anywhere in the world, should be able to have access to and attend a primary school and receive an education How many children do you think have NO ACCESS to education in the world today? 72 Million!!!

14 Can we achieve primary education for all?
Make a statistical mind map of the current progress. Will the goal be met? Include 3 or 4 stats and design symbols next to each.

15 Read the article from the Guardian Newspaper about the ‘Education for All’ Millennium Goal.
Describe the location of different Primary enrolment in Africa. Which parts of Africa or countries do fewest enrol?

16 Read the article from the Guardian Newspaper about the ‘Education for All’ Millennium Goal.
Why is the situation worse for girls? Give 5 ranked reasons 1)…… Is this similar to the MEDC UK?

17 Read the article from the Guardian Newspaper about the ‘Education for All’ Millennium Goal.
What are the new key targets needed to improve the areas missed so far with the Primary Education MDG?

18 Education - A Basic Human Right?
Finally what do you think should be the Human rights a Year 9 should have to education globally? Have you any ideas to help improve access to those without such? This will probably take two lessons. Or you can pick and choose activities.

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