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SUMMER MATH CURSE By: Laith Shepherd.

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1 SUMMER MATH CURSE By: Laith Shepherd

2 Problem 1 On a sunny July day, my family and I went to pick peaches at the Larriland Farm. Each pound of Peaches costs $5 but if you pick more than 20 pounds, the price is $2.50 a pound. I picked 7 pounds, my brother picked 5 pounds, and my mom picked 9 pounds. How much did it cost to buy all the peaches?

3 Problem 2 In June, my family and I went to Deep Creek Lake. We went on a boat cruise one afternoon. The lake is 12 miles long and the boat speed limit is 3.45 miles per hour. We were traveling the speed limit. How long did it take us to travel the whole length of the lake and return?

4 Problem 3 In August, I helped my Dad measure our bedrooms so he could buy new flooring for them. My parents bedroom is 15 feet long and 20 feet wide. My sisters room measured 10 feet by 12 feet, and my room is 15 feet long by 12 feet wide. How many total square feet of flooring did my Dad need to buy for our bedrooms?

5 Answer Key: PROBLEM 1: 7 + 5 + 9 = 21 pounds of peaches.
Answer: 21 x $2.50 = $52.50 PROBLEM 2: Formula: Time = Distance divided by Speed Answer: 24 miles / 3.45 miles per hour = 6.95 hours Bonus: 6.95 Hours = 417 Minutes (hours x 60) PROBLEM 3: Formula: Square feet = length x width Answer: 15 x 20 = 300 10 x12 = 120 15 x 12 = 180 Total square feet = 600

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