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Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century
Center for Teaching Advancement and Assessment Research Monica Devanas Joe Delaney Marcie Anszperger Chris Drue Christina Bifulco

2 Center for Teaching Advancement and Assessment Research

3 CTAAR Consulting on teaching, strategies, course design, syllabus construction, Teaching Portfolio, webinar resources Assessment, design plans, student learning, program, research projects, educational data analytics

4 CTAAR & Workshops – playlists
School of Graduate Studies – New Brunswick, Teaching Assistants, sessions on technology tools for teaching Basic web, copyright, RefWorks & Flow, eBooks, PowerPoint, Prezi, podcasting, Sakai, Canvas, Movie Maker, accessibility Computer literacy, in classes, special programs, departmental staff, research – playlists

5 Teaching in the 21st Century is based on Socrates asking questions

6 14th Century – Bologna University
This illustration from a fourteenth-century manuscript shows Henry of Germany delivering a lecture to university students in Bologna. Artist: Laurentius de Voltolina; Liber ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia; Kupferstichkabinett SMPK, Berlin/Staatliche Museen Preussiischer Kulturbesitz, Min. 1233 Laurentius de Voltolina; Liber ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia

7 Classroom -1900

8 Classroom

9 Classroom

10 Classroom

11 Rutgers Classroom - 2018 Academic Bldg 4400, College Ave Campus
Tillett Hall 204, Livingston Campus Academic Bldg 4225, College Ave Campus



14 What is Active Learning?
Anything students do in a classroom other than merely passively listening to instructor’s lecture Involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing When learning is active, students do most of the work. They use their brains…above all, students need to do it (Paulson & Faust) (Bonwell and Eison) (Silberman)

15 *Does Active Learning Pay Off?
Cumulative outcome for meta-analysis of 253 active learning studies (Hattie, 2004) ~15% improvement for students with active learning Adapted from G. Petty

16 What do you want your students to know, value and do
What do you want your students to know, value and do? What DO your students DO in class? the more they DO… the more they THINK… the more they LEARN*

17 Strategies for Active Learning
Activities – Q&A, “think-pair-share” Groups in classroom “Clickers” “Poll Everywhere” “Top Hat” Twitter, real-time information “Flipping the Classroom” Learning Management Systems Podcasts, Blogs, Instagram,SnapChat

18 How do we know students have reached the learning goals we have established?
Summative Assessments Examinations in class, or online quizzes and testing Presentations in class, concept maps, infographics, websites, videos, posters, digital posters Papers and Projects, in class or submitted on line, commented upon thru forums, social media, individual or group projects, collaborative learning

19 How do we know students have reached the learning goals we have established?
Formative Assessments during the learning… One minute paper, “clearest point,” Twitter feeds, online discussion forums, “clickers” to poll class Homework for class or recitation Online homework graded automatically Frequent quizzes in class – online quizzes, self-tests, short term projects, engagement in discussions

20 Student Instructional Ratings Survey
Feedback on course, end of semester Formative questions – prepared, answer questions, interest, help understand material, grade fairly, encourage learning, “ADD YOUR OWN” Summative questions – #9 - teaching effectiveness #10 - overall quality of course SIRS data for personnel decisions

21 Improving the Evaluation of Teaching – SVP Barbara Lee
More than student ratings Analytics, custom reports Other forms of student feedback Teaching Portfolios Peer Review Teaching materials Classroom or online teaching

22 The Teaching Portfolio
Document teaching effectiveness Part 1: Describe teaching responsibilities Part 2: Philosophy and Goals Part 3: Description of Evidence (eight to ten pages) Appendix: Actual documents, syllabi, assignments, assessments, student work, peer comments, student feedback, or other ePortfolio Format

23 The Teaching Professor MAGNA WEBINARS, 20 Minute Mentor The Teaching Professor

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