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Evolving Logical-Linear Edge Detector with Evolutionary Algorithms

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Presentation on theme: "Evolving Logical-Linear Edge Detector with Evolutionary Algorithms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolving Logical-Linear Edge Detector with Evolutionary Algorithms
By Virin Jan

2 Agenda Edge detection Evolutionary Algorithms My approach Results

3 Edge detection - Definition
The goal of edge detection is to mark the points in a digital image at which the luminous intensity changes sharply Sharp changes in image properties usually reflect important events and changes in properties of the world

4 Edge detection - Detectors
Thresholding Prewitt Sobel Canny Many false-positives LL detectors

5 Edge detection – LL detectors
Combines linear operator with Boolean logics Conjunction of linear properties The goal: More intelligent edge detection

6 Edge detection – LL detectors
After applying linear operators on the image, use the following ♠ operator in order to enhance the result.

7 Edge detection – LL detectors
5 8

8 Evolutionary Algorithms
In artificial intelligence, an evolutionary algorithm (EA) is a subset of evolutionary computation, a generic population-based optimization algorithm An EA uses some mechanisms inspired by biological evolution: reproduction, mutation, recombination, natural selection and survival of the fittest

9 Evolutionary Algorithms
Chromosome representation Fitness function Selection Recombination (Crossover) Mutation (low rate) Evaluation (fitness function)

10 My approach - Individuals
LL operator consists of two linear filters 3x3 It is encoded in a vector with 18 values (9+9) Values range [ -7 , 7 ] Population size is 100 individuals

11 My approach – Fitness function
Uses the Berkley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark: Computes difference between result of applied individual and the benchmark Less difference – better individual

12 Results Execution time = ~11 hours Consistent improving
The final individual: 5,2,-5,-5,-7,4,-2,2,7,4,3,-5,-4,3,0,2,-3,-2 The filters which are represented by it:

13 Results - Images

14 Conclusions Both filters are something like edge detectors
Each of them detect edges but with false-positives When the Boolean Logic is applied, the noise is reduced, because there is a small possibility that there is noise in the same pixel in both images There is future work to do

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