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Who can help? Red Class Spring Communication and Language Literacy

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1 Who can help? Red Class Spring Communication and Language Literacy
Please encourage your child to read each day Red Class Spring Let’s talk together Continuing to practise our listening skills. Taking turns when talking, not interrupting. Exploring new vocabulary related to our topic- job titles, naming tools and equipment, places of work. Making own miniature books- Who helps me at home? Building story maps of people’s jobs e.g Mr Rob’s Busy Day! Who helps us everyday? Looking at people who help us at home and school. Visits from Mr Rob, Mrs Mompalo, Mrs Hemming, Linda the school cook, to talk about ther job in school. ‘I remember when…’ Children recalling memories of when someone has helped them. Communication and Language ICT- Developing typing skills, using espresso to find out People Who Help Us Literacy Phonics, So that’s how it sounds! I can blend! Looking at ways to blend sounds to create real words. Letter writing responding to a letter from Mr Gumpy- Oh No! Mr Gumpy is stuck he needs our help! Who can help? Understanding the World Physical Development Who helps us in our community? Emergency services, Refuse & Recycling, Post Person, Dentist etc Maths Continuing developing fine motor skills through peg dancing, dough, painting etc. Personal, Social and Emotional Development RE I am special- Exploring how we are all special and unique. Knowing Jesus tell us that God loves everyone, through bible stories and role play. Children plasticising rolling, jumping, catching and moving around safely. SEAL: Going for Goals Setting myself achievable goals. Shape names and exploring 3D shapes and their properties. How tall, big, short, small,- Exploring size Expressive arts and design Counting, counting, counting. How many ? Which group is bigger? How do we know? Getting to know the Learning to Learn characters What makes a special place? To learn that some people have places which are special to them. To say a place which is special to them. Problem Solving in role play using Adding and taking away. Designers! Children will be designing and making theme related models e.g. making designer glasses, fire engines and vehicles. Independent activities which are child led. Using music as a stimulus for dance , movement and feelings.

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