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Billy Bob’s Biology Bonanza

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1 Billy Bob’s Biology Bonanza
Genetic Drift Selection Section Stats Quick Hitters Early Earth Evolution 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000



4 These act as enzymes to assemble RNA, but they are not proteins
ribozymes Back

5 This is the period of time when animals appeared in great numbers
Cambrian explosion Back

6 These are areas that can help carry out simple metabolism
liposomes Back

7 This is the experiment that showed the production of amino acids from abiotic factors
Miller-Urey Back

8 This is what abiotically produced molecules are called
protobionts Back

9 Although genetic drift does result in genes being inherited, it is not a part of this process, which is one of the driving forces of evolution Natural selection Back

10 Genetic drift is more likely to occur when the population size is ______
small Back

11 If certain individuals happen to survive a density-independent factor, their genes will be passed on resulting in this effect Bottleneck effect Back

12 Genetic drift is an even more random process in these eukaryotes that cannot choose their mates
plants Back

13 Due to a loss of this, these types of alleles have a higher probability of being spread
Genetic variation, harmful Back

14 Organisms that choose their mates based on certain traits that are desirable to them or that they want to pass on to their offspring undergo this type of selection Sexual selection Back

15 In order to be able to carry out sexual selection, organisms must be able to tell the gender of an animal within their population. The property of having different phenotypic appearances for different genders is known as Sexual dimorphism Back

16 This is the type of natural selection where the extremes of a trait are favored, while this is the type of natural selection where the population shifts towards a particular trait Disruptive selection, directional selection Back

17 Darwin concluded that natural selection results in this type of reproductive success
differential Back

18 Natural selection results in organisms interacting with this and usually helps them do these 2 things Environment; avoid predators, attract mates Back

19 This is the phrase Darwin used instead of evolution to describe the incremental inheritance of traits Descent with modification Back

20 This colleague of Darwin had similar ideas and almost beat Darwin to publication with his ideas on evolution Alfred Wallace Back

21 This experiment showed how living things could have been formed from nonliving chemicals during the Early Earth conditions Miller-Urey Back

22 These structures show a common ancestry unifying organisms, while these structures have similar structure and function but are believed to have evolved independently of one another Homologous, analogous Back

23 Even though they were incorrect, Lamarck’s theory on evolution helped people begin to explore how things change over time. These were the two ideas that he proposed Inheritance of acquired traits, use and disuse Back

24 If the Chi-square value exceeds the critical value, then you will do this
Reject the null hypothesis Back

25 This is what 2pq indicates in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Frequency of heterozygote genotype (Aa) Back

26 If the Chi-square number is very high, then you can conclude that your data is
Much different from what was expected Back

27 P+Q=1 is used for these frequencies
allelic Back

28 This is what is created in regards to the data for a Chi-Square analysis
Null hypothesis Back

29 Father of evolution Darwin Back

30 prokaryote fossils stromatolites Back

31 original organisms UCA (universal common ancestor) Back

32 alleles passed down by random chance
Genetic drift Back

33 evolution causing meiotic process
Crossing over Back

34 Me, Betty Sue Ann and a few of our first cousins moved into a secluded area and started expanding our family. As a result our first little squirt, Jesup, had sum health problems an our girls all have heart problems. We think it’s due to this effect Founder effect Back

35 I dun thought that this process required cameras, but then I found out that this is wut helped eukaryotes evolve in the olden times photosynthesis Back

36 I thought this was when you skin a 16 point buck and stuff it so it looks real over the mantle near the fireplace, but it has to do with naming critters taxonomy Back

37 I was pickin some berries on top of Mulberry Hill, when I dun noticed that the berry bushes at the top was smaller than in the valley. This is probly the reason fur that. cline Back

38 I fought for ma dear Betty Sue Ann with my own hands and teeth and opened up a can of wuppin on Jebbedy to win her favor. I competed and Betty Sue Ann chose me based on this type of selection Intersexual selection Back

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