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Five Steps to Housing First Scotland

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1 Five Steps to Housing First Scotland
Maggie Brünjes & Doug Gibson GHN MAGGIE Good morning. Add my welcome on behalf of the Homeless Network. Such a privilege to be presenting our ideas here today. To be exploring with you today, and to be working closely with you over the next phase. The HARSAG recommended a ‘Housing First by default’ response for people at the sharpest end of homelessness, facing the most disadvantages, going through the toughest times. The simple reason for that is that Housing First is the most powerful offer we can make. It is an offer with the most chance of success for people to lead a better, fuller life. This is a smaller group of people, but it those whose homelessness is the most urgent, damaging – and the most visible. If we get this right, people’s lives are changed directly. And too how the wider public views homelessness, and their faith in all our abilities to prevent or tackle it effectively. So we need to get it right.

2 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. DOUG

3 Size Up making the case | 2010-17
Ian Irvine, Turning Point Scotland and GHN Board. The Glasgow Pilot. Glasgow City Council, Wheatley Group and Queen’s Cross, Thenue, Southside, NG Homes and New Gorbals Housing Associations. Scotland one of six ‘test sites’ in the European Commission funded ‘Housing First Europe’ social experimentation. Heriot-Watt also publish evaluation of Glasgow pilot. MAGGIE We want to start by illustrating how much has already been embedded. That we’re not starting from the beginning. Quick rewind

4 Renfrewshire and East Dunbartonshire Councils establish local Housing First projects with Turning Point Scotland. GHN launches Housing First Scotland in partnership with Turning Point Scotland and Heriot-Watt University. Glasgow the first city in Scotland to adopt Housing First ‘by default’ policy. Aberdeenshire Housing First project. MAGGIE

5 Rock Trust and Almond Housing Association launch Housing First for Youth project in West Lothian. The first in the UK for young people. Social Bite commissions Heriot-Watt to provide an evidence base and guide a funding framework for the 2017 Sleep in the Park. Focus groups in 4 cities lead to Housing First as key recommendation. GHN and Social Investment Scotland win FEANTSA European Social Fund award: modelling social investment as a mechanism to scale up Housing First in Scotland. MAGGIE Even with this leadership, capacity remains very low in Scotland. Under 100 tenancies. Move onto the start of this year….

6 2. Tune Up getting ready | 2018 DOUG

7 Social Bite announces £3m towards a national Housing First programme with housing pledged by council, social and private landlords across 5 cities. Corra Foundation and GHN are appointed to deliver the programme. Turning Point Scotland launch the Housing First Training Academy. 15 services are commissioned across 5 consortia. Local structures, assessment processes and by-name lists developed. . Up to £6.5m Scottish Government funding is announced, combining with Social Bite and Merchants House Glasgow funding to create Scotland’s £10m flagship Housing First Pathfinder Programme. Launch & Connect Event is held in November. DOUG

8 2019 Jan-Mar 2019 Jan-Mar Key Discussion 2:
Scottish Government and Local Authorities. Review Housing First capacity and commitments within the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans sent Dec 2018. Jan-Mar Key Discussion 2: Corra Foundation and Support Providers. Corresponding provision of local support for local people. DOUG

9 3. Ramp Up pathfinders & leaders | 2018-21 Finding the path
Creating the pace Delivering at scale – cost and cost-benefit Understanding and unravelling the blockages, barriers Designing a blueprint for Scotland - and beyond Supporting people into homes MAGGIE Working it out. solutions

10 4. Check Up reflect and perfect | ongoing
Significant Programme Evaluation from Heriot-Watt University, including economic impact Ongoing Outcomes Framework supported by GHN Sharing learning, benchmarking, problem solving together… finding the path and setting the pace Directing a scaling up of Housing First activity and resources right across Scotland DOUG

11 5. Housing First default and first response
Housing First is the first response Not business as usual - system-change And coming up… Online Resource Exchange Publications and guides Pathfinder Connect Events Peer Learning & Leadership Events Frontline Community of Practice MAGGIE [Link to next slide – and we’ll create this support infrastructure because housing first needs people…]

12 needs people Housing First 5/32 Today < 100 people Pathfinder
A small group of people took Housing First some of the way: Housing First 5/32 Today < people beyond needs people It needs many more people to take Housing First all the way: Pathfinder < 800 people 32/32 RRTP 3-5k people? MAGGIE West Lothian Glasgow Renfrewshire East Dunbartonshire Aberdeenshire

13 The security and support that people affected by homelessness want
The type of support that great frontline workers want to deliver The outcomes and cost savings that national and local governments want The additional reassurance that housing providers want The wellbeing outcomes that health professionals want The evidence of ‘what works’ that academics and experts want DOUG

14 #HousingFirstConnect @GHNtweets @HFScotland
Thank You @HFScotland

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