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happenings First Grade MyOn:

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1 happenings First Grade MyOn:
My name is Ms. Simpson and I am the MyOn teacher.  MyOn is an online e-library that has over 5,000 books for our student's use.  During the first few weeks of school, we are learning how to get favorite books and we are also learning how to log on, using personal account numbers and iPads. At home, you can work with your child by showing them the letters and numbers on your phone, tablet, or computer keyboard. Physical Education: Students will be working on their skills for throwing and catching. Students will be focusing on an underhand throw to a partner. The distance will be appropriate for each grade level. We will work to have students be able to catch with both hands and throw with their dominate hand. In November, students will be working on Soccer skills. Students will be working on making contact with the ball with their foot. Working on balancing their foot on top of the ball and making attempts to pass to their partner. Social Studies: In 1st grade we are developing our understanding of our families and communities and how they shape our lives.  Throughout October and November will focus on the ideas of sharing common goals and responsibilities in our families and why families are important to us. Music: Through the Carnegie Hall “Musical Explorer” Program, students explore a diverse range of musical genres found in New York City neighborhoods. Basic music skills are developed in classrooms as children learn songs from different cultures, reflect on their communities, and develop singing and listening skills. In October and November, students will explore music from Greece and Mali.

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