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Russian Dictatorships

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1 Russian Dictatorships 1855-1955
Factors causing change

2 How important was War as a factor of change? (1)
“War is the locomotive of History” (Trotsky) Emancipation of Serfs followed Crimean War Democratic changes occurred after 1905 Russo-Japanese War Downfall of Tsardom followed the First World War NEP followed Civil War

3 How important was War as a factor of change? (2)
Defeat in the Crimea highlighted need for radical change to Russian society Reforms followed Alexander II’s desire to impose change from above Policies enacted under Witte & Stolypin owed nothing to war 5 Year Plans followed need to replace NEP

4 Desire to strengthen the State
Alexander II feared ‘change from below’ Witte aimed to modernise Russian industry Stolypin aimed to create peasant class with vested interest in Tsarist state Lenin forced into pragmatic action Stalin – ‘Socialism in One Country’

5 Impact of Industrialisation
Historically poor life style of peasants not much improved by Emancipation Pushed to breaking point by both Witte & Stalin Creation of large urban w/class made Communist Revolution possible Key to success against Germany

6 Radical Opposition Largely ineffective until 1905 – success against Alexander led to more repression Opposition able to force change following Russo-Japanese War Opposition then split & ineffective Tsar forced to abdicate in 1917 Huge popular support for Stalin State too powerful?

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