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GENERAL SAFETY Make sure to read all safety information thoroughly before using the shop. NEVER work alone. Always make sure there is at least one other.

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Presentation on theme: "GENERAL SAFETY Make sure to read all safety information thoroughly before using the shop. NEVER work alone. Always make sure there is at least one other."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERAL SAFETY Make sure to read all safety information thoroughly before using the shop. NEVER work alone. Always make sure there is at least one other person in the shop with you at all times. BEFORE using the shop, you must fill out and sign the Manufacturing Lab Procedures and Policies sheet and have Mr. Kevin Amende review and sign as well. This ensures that you have taken previous classes that instructe you on how to use the shop machines. Anyone without a properly filled out and signed sheet will not be permitted to use any machines.Manufacturing Lab Procedures and Policies In the instance that a student does not have this sheet and/or the required classes, they will be permitted to use hand tools only.

2 General Safety Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Safety Glasses: Must be worn at all times in the shop whether or not running a machine. Extra pairs are located by the sign-in sheet hanging on the wall or in the measuring tool cabinet. Hearing Protection: Ear plugs can be found by the safety glasses. Protect your ears from grinding and pounding. Many common shop noises will quickly cause permanent damage to ones hearing.

3 General Safety Hair: Tie long hair up or wear a hat. Nothing loose should be hanging that potentially could get caught in a machine and ripped out. Clothing: No loose clothing No synthetics or easily flammable material, especially when welding No accessories Dangling earrings, scarves, chains, bracelets, etc. Shoes Closed-toe and non-slip. Protect your feet against falling objects and spills.

4 General Safety Other safety precautions: Keep hands away from moving parts. Only one person operating a machine at a time. Inspect cutting tools before and after use. Caution lifting heavy objects. Lift with legs not back, and ask for help if needed. Beware of flying chips as they can fly far and tend to be extremely hot. Maintain a clean workspace: Do not clutter up the machining area. Keep chips swept up Do not place measuring tools on the machines Report all breakages

5 General Safety Chemical Safety: There are several bright yellow cabinets marked with CAUTION signs as containing potentially hazardous chemicals. Take extreme caution when using. Make sure to clean up all spills properly, wash hands after each use and beware of fire hazards, eye and skin irritation, etc. DO NOT mix fluids unless properly instructed. First Aid: There is a first aid box located between the mills and lathes on a support pillar. Make sure to wash cuts thoroughly and do not hesitate to call for help.

6 General Safety Fire Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are located by all exits in both labs except the exits between the two rooms Locate and verify fire extinguishers are in their proper place every time a lab is utilized Exits: Know your nearest exits incase of fire, smoke, or other fumes. Make sure no exits are blocked or locked at any time for any reason. Exits in Welding Lab West Wall (exit to main hallway) South-East Corner (2 exits) East Wall (exits to sixth street) South Wall (exits to machining lab) Exits in Machining Lab South-West Corner (main entrance by supervisor offices) North-West Corner (exits to main hallway) South-East Corner (exits to sixth street) North-East Corner (exit into welding lab)

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