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Contact investigation

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1 Contact investigation
Bangladesh, Kenya, Myanmar, Macedonia, Japan, Mexico, Latvia, Brazil, Philippines, Domenican Republic, United States, Netherlands Facilitators: Dr. Peter Gondrie and Dr. S. Ottmani Rapparteur. Dr. Mary Reichler

2 What is the current situation?
Variation in policies and practices between countries Most countries have policies In intermediate and high incidence settings, implementation is lacking Yield 3-5% new active TB cases among all contacts Considerably higher yield among child contacts

3 Global policy document in progress Universal contact investigation
- at least housholds of smear+ index - source case investigation for child TB priority for investigation to: symptomatic patients children < 5 yrs immunocompromised index case MDR/XDR

4 Main Conclusions of the Group
Contact investigation is likely to contribute to early and increased case detection Operational research is needed to facilitate implementation - what is epidemiologic impact - what is the cost-effectiveness - feasibility - barriers - resource needs 3) Experience in pilot projects in selected countries in an operational research setting is needed 4) In the meantime, all countries should start collecting data in a standardized fashion to permit monitoring and evaluation


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