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False Gospel: Saving the Young from Delusions of Prosperity Gospel

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1 False Gospel: Saving the Young from Delusions of Prosperity Gospel
2 Timothy 4 James Wainaina iServe Africa

2 False Gospel: Saving the Young from Delusions of Prosperity Gospel
A charge to preach the word at all times. (v. 1-2) Let’s pause here and think about the delusions of the false preachers. Too sweet and great promises that are empty. A distorted view of God. An exalted view of Humankind and Sin. Distorted view of Christ Distortion of Scriptures Why Prosperity preaching is appealing to the youths Speaks to their felt physical needs. Speaks the language of the day. Amassment of wealth,selfishness, love of money etc.

3 False Gospel: Saving the Young from Delusions of Prosperity Gospel
The reason for a charge is because there will be a deliberate rebellion of the truth. (v. 3-4) They will not put up with sound teachings. They will suit their own desires by by gathering teachers to tell them what they want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth to myths. Youth ministry calls for patience and faithfulness up to the end with a promise of a reward. (v. 6-8)

4 False Gospel: Saving the Young from Delusions of Prosperity Gospel Talk #4 Discussion Questions
Do you take the charge for proclamation of the gospel seriously as Paul charges Timothy in 4:1? Do you do ministry with the view that one day you will be held accountable to God either in judgment or a crown of glory at the end? (4:1, 4:6-8) Are there false preachers in Malawi and what is the content of their preaching that you think is false? How are these false preachers affecting the young people in Malawi? How do you see it in their behaviour lifestyle? Do you think a call to ministry is a call to a proclamation of the gospel (4:2), a call to soberness, endurance in hardships and faithfully discharging your ministry duties? (4:5) Do you think you have been faithful in this regard?

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