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Luk. 18:8 “Maar sal die Seun van die mens by sy koms nog geloof op die aarde vind?”

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2 Luk. 18:8 “Maar sal die Seun van die mens by sy koms nog geloof op die aarde vind?”

3 II Tim. 3:5 “Hulle sal nog die uiterlike skyn van die godsdiens hê, maar die krag van die godsdiens sal hulle nie ken nie. Bly weg van sulke mense af.”


5 “The ‘evangelism’ of the day is not only superficial to the last degree, but it is radically defective. It is utterly lacking a foundation on which to base an appeal for sinners to come to Christ.

6 There is not only a lamentable lack of proportion (the mercy of God made far more prominent than His holiness, His love than His wrath), but there is a fatal omission of that which God has given for the purpose of imparting a knowledge of sin.” A.W. Pink

7 “What is the Gospel? Is it a message of glad tidings from Heaven to make God-defying rebels at ease in their wickedness? Is it given for the purpose of assuring the pleasure-crazy young people that, providing they only ‘believe’ there is nothing for them to fear in the future.” A.W Pink


9 Verlosser van die hel, eerder as die Verlosser van sonde!


11 Leuen 1: “Ek is 'n Goeie mens”

12 Leuen 2: “Ek staan in 'n bediening”

13 Leuen 3: “Ek praat oor die Here”


15 As jy 'n ontmoeting met die lewend God gehad het, stap jy nie die selfde mens daar weg nie!

16 Luk. 13:3 “Nee, sê Ek vir julle, maar as julle julle nie bekeer nie, sal julle net soos hulle ook almal omkom!

17 Mark. 1:15 “Bekeer julle en glo die evangelie.”

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