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Dog Fighting By: Raychel Martinez.

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1 Dog Fighting By: Raychel Martinez

2 Historical . Dog fighting became popular around the 1800s and the 1835. According to the ASPCA, “Over one thousand dog fighting arrests have been made in the United States between ”

3 Entertainment It has been used as a form of entertainment quite like gambling, and often illicit drug are involved. criminal activities that sometimes occur at a dog fight include illegal gambling, racketeering, drug trafficking, prostitution, and gang violence

4 Buyers The buyers use and abuse the innocent animals for their own benefits such as to have money and to start a gambling business. They also get it for illegal gambling, drug trafficking and prostitution but one main one is GANG VIOLENCE

5 Breeders There are breeders who breed dogs specifically for dog fighting because they try breeding the right dog with the right dogs so that they get a much stronger dog to put into training and in to the fights The foundation breed of the fighting dog was, in its outward appearance, a large, low, heavy breed with a powerful build and strongly developed head.

6 The main dogs use to Breed and the one gone extinct!
Perro De Presa Canario Bully Kutta Dogue de Bordeaux Bull Terrier (EXTINCT) Blue Paul Terrier (EXTINCT) Cordoba Fighting Dog (EXTINCT) English White Terrier ( EXTINCT) Old English Bull Dog (EXTINCT)

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