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HONDURAS By John Hester.

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1 HONDURAS By John Hester

2 Location Central America
Borders the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Fonseca (North Pacific Ocean) Countries that border Honduras – Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador The country is slightly larger than Tennessee

3 Terrain lowlands Narrow Coastal plains Beautiful sandy beaches
Mountains in the interior Lush rainforests

4 Government Republic of Honduras
Democratic constitutional republic Capital – Tegucigalpa Country is run by a president Ricardo Maduro – both is both chief of state and head of government President is elected by popular vote for a four-year term

5 Military Military Branches Military Age Availability
Army Navy Air Force Military Age 18 years of age Availability Males age = 1,642,029 Military Expenditures $99.8 Million

6 People Population Population Growth rate Birth Rate Death Rate
6,823,568 Population Growth rate 2.24% Birth Rate 31.04 births/1,000 Population Death Rate 6.64 deaths/1,000 populations Life Expectancy 66.15 Yrs.

7 Ethnic Groups

8 Economy Major Exports Major Imports Trade Partners
Coffee, Bananas, Shrimp, Lobster, Meat, Zinc, and Lumber Major Imports Machinery, Industrial raw materials, Chemical products, Fuels, and Foodstuffs Trade Partners U.S., Guatemala, El Salvador, and South Korea

9 Natural Resources Copper Gold Lead Timber Silver Iron Ore Antimony
Coal Fish Hydropower

10 Natural Hazards Earthquakes Tropical Storms Hurricanes Floods
Mud Slides

11 HIV/AIDS Adults People living with HIV/AIDS Yearly deaths 1.8% 63,000
4,100 (2003 est.)

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