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Priorswood Primary School

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1 Priorswood Primary School
Inclusion Leader: Beth Warwick Positivity Respect Independence Determination Excellence Started as Inclusion Leader: January 2014 Mainstream Primary & Member of Collaborative Academies Trust Number on Roll: 170 Wedlands area of North Taunton Proportion of Pupil Premium children is higher than the national average 9% SEN Support

2 Graduated Response ALL teachers are teachers of ALL children
‘Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good teaching’ Wave 1-Lesson observations and learning walks (SLT) Pupil Progress Meetings Wave 2-Record of Concern Need to show both before stepping into Wave 3 (SEN Support)

3 Instead of IEPs Written with the child and parents Part of lesson observations and learning walks (SLT) Reviewed half termly Aim: Adapt the ‘All About Me’ box and ‘Ways to Support’ into a One Page Profile following on from training and roll out across the whole school so that every child has one and then a One Page Profile Plus for SEN Support children with their targets and other information on the back.

4 Person Centred Reviews
At the meeting we will write and talk about; What you like and admire about me What is important to me now and for my future What is working and what is not working now My support – what’s in place and what needs to be put in place for me Changed how we do annual reviews following on from training provided by Fiveways School in Yeovil. Invitation is from the child themselves They decide who to invite (with a little help!) They also decide on what refreshments they would like to be served, what music to play & what work they would like to display.

5 Kind, friendly and smiley
He strokes my face Friendly to children and adults Affectionate – says ‘I love you’ and gives hugs! Kind, friendly and smiley He’s a little bit funny Delightful to have in class Talks a lot Enquiring mind Large pieces of paper around the room with headings on from the annual review form. Headings themed to suit child’s interests/needs Child is supported in preparing their own answers to contribute during the meeting and anyone not able to attend is encouraged to still send in their contributions Parents are supported through the invitation to know what is coming and can prepare contributions if necessary-external agencies often come prepared too! Set ground rules Begin with ‘What we like and admire about the child’-often a powerful beginning to the review Time given to write on the other pieces of paper and have discussions as necessary Has achieved lots Curious-wants to explore words Willing to learn and is understanding more He plays with me, he makes me smile, he tickles me

6 Who? What? When? Mrs T, Mrs P, S&L and Mum & Dad
Use Joe’s interests to ‘hook’ him into his learning Mrs W ITS Factfile-Sensory? Summer 1 S&L OT Referral? Mrs P/Mrs T Home/Communication Book Pre-teaching vocab for each half term Reward Chart Look into alternative communication-photos/pictures Summer 2 Mum & Dad Nurture school friendships ASAP Mrs H/Mrs W Transition to Year 3-carefully manage LSS Assessment Draw together pieces of paper-work through & discuss, beginning on the positives-what is working well? Create Action Plan as we go Often find negatives/issues have already been dealt with as you work through Feedback: All parties (parents, children and teachers) feel much more involved in the process Child has much more ownership of what is happening Eases parent’s anxieties Success story: First one was with a parent who felt their child wasn’t being supported in school and had a number of issues. Due to the high level of child engagement with the process (Year 2 child) and the focus on the positive, parents went away a lot happier! They could see the list of support he was receiving, they could see the action plan for how things would move forward, they felt listened to by all involved, issues were resolved and a potential confrontation was diffused.

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