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Teaching Legal Skills On-Line?

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Legal Skills On-Line?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Legal Skills On-Line?
Karen E. Powell & Nancy G. Neslund Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

2 Skill: Client Interviewing Skill: Critical Thinking On-Line?
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

3 Deakin University On-Line Skills Class
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

4 Deakin University On-Line Skills Class: Client Interviewing
Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) tied to Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLO) (scaffolded in course) ULO1 Apply legal knowledge and skills to identify and evaluate legal issues and facilitate solutions for clients. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO5: Problem solving ULO2 Professionally and persuasively communicate, orally and in writing, with colleagues and clients to advance the interests of the client. GLO2: Communication ULO3 Research and prepare court submissions relating to complex factual and legal scenarios. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO5: Problem solving ULO4 Critically reflect on one’s own capacity as a lawyer in facilitating specific legal research and proactive solutions to legal issues. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities GLO6: Self-management Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

5 Learning Outcomes listed in syllabus (unit guide) Assessment available on separate page Rubric Provided with Assessment Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

6 Deakin University On-Line Skills Class: Critical Thinking via SDB
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

7 Discussion Boards to Teach Critical Thinking Skills: Scalable and Relevant
Each week's SDB is preloaded with a series of prompts that take students through key learnings for that week's materials. Each prompt is set up as the first post in what will become a threaded discussion. Pre-assignment: Allows students to post responses that are both well thought through and effectively presented. Contrast in-class discussions, where students generally do not know when they will be called on, which may significantly lessen the quality, completeness and depth of their contributions to the substantive discussion. Two student roles are assigned for each SDB prompt: one as the initial poster (IP) and one as the first responder (FR). The charge to the IP is to present a well-reasoned, complete response to the prompt. The charge to the FR is to assess the IP's post and amend or augment it in a material way. The due date for the FR's post is generally two days after the IP's due date. Permits responsibility for participation to be evenly spread among all students, requiring substantive and repeated contributions from all students over the course of the term, which is fair and also prevents any subset of students from dominating the discussions. Students learn how to develop a complete and cogent initial analysis, as well as how to critically and respectfully evaluate others' analyses. Students learn that alternative viewpoints may often affect how issues and circumstances are evaluated. IP and FR roles for each prompt are pre-assigned to specific students. Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

8 Email Karen Powell For login information
Interested in Accessing the website? It’s live and interactive, and includes both client interviewing and discussion board modules. Karen Powell For login information Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

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