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WP4 discussion.

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1 WP4 discussion

2 Participants Victor Eva Shiferaw Mpoki Rhiannon Noel - notetaker
Pricilla Inge

3 Baselines Rhiannon explained baseline tools in some more detail
Discussion on roles and responsibilities, expectations Need to look at country clearance of methods COSTECH Tanzania Makerere University Uganda

4 Baselines Activity Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Jan-Mar
Publish baseline tools x Finalize dataset (HH and FGD) xxx Meeting with team to discuss next steps Technical report (HH and FGD) Different papers: Banana varieties, … Trait preferences, … Plots, land tenure, … Economic aspects, income, … Factors influencing adoption, … xx

5 Rony’s questions What can we offer to breeders now, in terms of selection criteria? Lit review on gendered trait preferences - table with traits, which can be discussed tomorrow As soon as baseline datasets are cleaned up, whole dataset will be available, but we can also tease out specific info, e.g. varieties grown + why, traits for products, …

6 Rony’s questions What can we offer to breeders now, in terms of selection criteria? Monthly datasets will be available soon, hopefully also through Musabase Once protocols developed for farmers’ preference ranking / field days, use these also in PYT?

7 Rony’s questions Start baby trials when mother trials are finished
That will be too late Order materials now (ITC or IITA) Contact TC labs now Start multiplication for all NARITAs Once selection is made per site - stop multiplication of NARITAs not selected

8 Rony’s questions Will we process new hybrids in same way?
Protocols available Now looking at how to make them more efficient, e.g.: monthly data collection necessary? how to measure plant girth? involve seed systems businesses in testing?

9 Communication Storage space for WP4 workings documents - OneDrive
Whatsapp group with site managers - regular feedback Monthly project Whatsapp meeting with site managers Biweekly gender meeting on Skype

10 Communication Quarterly review of timelines (Skype)
Targeted meetings at specific times, e.g. when baseline dataset is available, when draft technical report is out, … (Skype) Need for SC meetings to happen more regularly to ensure interaction with other WPs

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