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Rules you need to know for the tournament season

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1 Rules you need to know for the 2018-2019 tournament season
Competition Meeting Rules you need to know for the tournament season

2 Dress Code and conduct What is Acceptable to wear to Tournaments?
Parents and Students Remember you represent iKick Martial Arts Wear appropriate clothing Black Belts and Legacy must be in Business Casual Wear an iKick shirt (if you have one) Uniforms must be CLEAN Equipment for Tournament ALL equipment must be purchased through the school (excluding tournament t-shirts and like) Everyone must have ALL protective gear Including cups and mouth guards (if not = DQ)

3 Participate in Classes to do Tournaments and Attitude
Class Participation Requirements are similar to Testing requirements Averages to 2 classes per week Be a TEAM Player Help each other achieve goals by committing to training, competitions, and clinics Have a Good Attitude at Tournaments No complaining about judging ALL judging is FINAL

4 Tournaments Do NOT sign up until you are committed to showing up to the tournament There is no removing competitions once you sign up for them Be appreciative iKick completes your competition slips Tournament Fees Due the Thursday before for In-Region Tournaments Competition Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE No Exceptions

5 Tournaments (CONT.) Judges Meeting Competitors
All judges are required to attend the judges meeting in the morning Competitors Must arrive at least 1 hour prior to staging time Grab all of your competition slips Slips will be in the iKick Tournament Box Competing in Creative or XMA Must to the Traditional Event that corresponds Permission for Tournament Permission to Compete and Leave Tournament

6 Competition Fees Class “A” & “B” Tournaments Class “C” Tournaments
Traditional Forms/Sparring - $45 Weapons - $20 Combat - $20 Creative/XMA $20 per event Class “C” Tournaments Forms & Weapons $20 each event Sparring & Combat $30 total Creative/XMA $10 each event

7 Competitive vs Novice Competitive Novice
Must compete at ALL 5 In-Region Tournaments to qualify for State and District Titles One Tournament may be excused due to prior commitment if approved by Ms. H Tournament competitions must be made up at a different Novice Only compete at: In-Region and Class “C”s No going Out-of-Region Once Novice You are novice the whole Tournament Season No Minimum Tourney Requirements No State Points Awarded Everyone is Required to have current ATA Memberships (Different from School Memberships)

8 Competitive vs Novice (cont.)
Competitive (Cont.) If you miss any In-Region Tournament No competing at any Out-of-Region Tourney National Upgrade A must if you want to earn points towards titles Competitive Contract Non-Compliance ALL Points towards State, District, and Worlds will be pulled Novice (Cont.) ALL Events are in One Ring Including Creative and XMA Competitions Up to 16 Competitors per Ring Up to 12 Competitors per Ring

9 Awards Receiving Awards Non-Placements
Only 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place receive awards Traditional You receive a medal only if you place in that event Ex: Compete in 4 Events, Place in 2 = 2 Medals Creative and XMA You receive a medal on if you place in that event Ex: Compete in 4 Events, Place in 1 = 1 Medals Non-Placements Traditional and Creative/XMA Compete in 8 Events, Place in 0 = 1 Competition Pin

10 Points for Competitive
Points are by People per Event Worlds Nationals Class “A” Class “B” Class “C” Placement Minimum # = 0 Min# 5 Min# 0 1 20 15 8 5 3 2 10 Max# 4 - Max# 3

11 Demo Team No extra monthly fee towards tuition
Must compete in at least 2 Creative/XMA Events If you compete in Creative/XMA forms you must do Traditional Forms (likewise with Weapons) Check Facebook for Demo Tryout Dates

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